
For building RESTful APIs using Express, TypeScript, Prisma, and PostgreSQL.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Express TypeScript Prisma PostgreSQL Boilerplate

This is a simple starter pack for building RESTful APIs using Express, TypeScript, Prisma, and PostgreSQL.


  • ESLint + Prettier + Airbnb Style Guide for Code Quality.
  • VSCode debugger.
  • API error Middleware with PostgreSQL error handling Reference
  • Testing with Jest
  • Linting and Pre-Commit Checks with husky

Project Structure

 |--config\         # Environment variables and configuration related things
 |--constants\      # constant variables
 |--controllers\    # controllers for module (Business logic)
 |--middlewares\    # Custom middlewares (auth, common API error handling)
 |--routes\         # Routes
 |--services\       # For common business logic (service layer)
 |--utils\          # Utility functions
 |--app.js          # Main Express app setup
 |--server.js       # App entry point

Getting started

Clone or download this repository and cd into express-typescript-prisma-postgresql

  • Create the .env file by copying the .env.example file

  • Configure your PostgreSQL database by editing DATABASE_URL and SHADOW_DATABASE_URL in .env

  • Install the project's npm dependencies by running npm i

  • Apply schema changes to your database npm run db:push

  • Run npm run dev for starting local API server

Debug in VSCode

set breakpoints at code and hit f5


Run tests by using the command npm run test

Build the app

Build the application with npm run build. 'dist' folder will be created.

Run Prisma studio locally

Run npm run studio and open a web browser with the URL http://localhost:5555/

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