Hybrid Approach for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

Primary LanguagePython


The code for A Hybrid Approach for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Using Contextual Word Emmbeddings and Hierarchical Attention

The hybrid approach for aspect-based sentiment analysis (HAABSA) is a two-step method that classifies target sentiments using a domain sentiment ontology and a Multi-Hop LCR-Rot model as backup.

Keeping the ontology, we optimise the embedding layer of the backup neural network with context-dependent word embeddings and integrate hierarchical attention in the model's architecture (HAABSA++).


The HAABSA source code: https://github.com/ofwallaart/HAABSA needs to be installed. Then the following changes need to be done:

  • Update files: config.py, att_layer.py, main.py, main_cross.py and main_hyper.py.
  • Add files:
    • Context-dependent word embeddings:
      • getBERTusingColab.py (extract the BERT word embeddings);
      • prepareBERT.py (prepare the final BERT emebdding matrix, training and tesing datasets);
      • prepareELMo.py (extract the ELMo word emebddings and prepare the final ELMo embedding matrix, training and testing datasets);
      • raw_data2015.txt, raw_data2016.txt (Data folder).
    • Hierarchical Attention:
      • lcrModelAlt_hierarchical_v1 (first method);
      • lcrModelAlt_hierarchical_v2 (second method);
      • lcrModelAlt_hierarchical_v3 (third method);
      • lcrModelAlt_hierarchical_v4 (fourth method).

The training and testing datasets are in the Data folder for SemEval 2015 and SemEval 2016. The files are available for Glove, ELMo and BERT word emebddings.

*Even if the model is trained with contextul word emebddings, the ontology has to run on a dataset special designed for the non-contextual case.

Word embeddings

Download pre-trained word emebddings: