
Firebase Authentication in Vue.js Apps

Primary LanguageVue


This boiler plate which includes vue.js, firebase authentication and vuetify.

Demo Here: vue-auth-fire

Try Logging with the following

Email Address: test@gmail.com
Password: test@12345


Why vue-auth-fire ?

At times it get very irritating when you want to start your new project which is a firebase project in which you have to set Authentication Flow EVERYTIME. You have to add Routes, Protect your routes, create a Login & Register component, Style those component and have a nice Loading animation, Validate your login/register form. and much much more.

So I have Developed a boiler plate which you can easily use in your app.


Create your project using vue-cli

IMPORTANT: You need to add vuex and vue-router while setting up the project.

Also add vuetify and firebase just by entering following command one by one.

vue add vuetify
npm i firebase

This Repository is basically the src folder.

Now you just have to replace the contents of your scr folder with the contents of this folder.

How to replace?

  1. Download and Extract this repository
  2. Copy all files from extracted folder and paste it in your projects src folder. Then click Replace

For Eg. Copy all files named store, firebase, views etc(ALL) from that extracted folder

Create a firebase project

  1. Go to Firebase Console. Add Project
  2. In Project Overview, click on web icon and register app
  3. Copy firebaseConfig object
  4. Click on Continue to Console, then click on Authetication, then on Set up sign-in method
  5. Enable Email/password authentication
  6. Open src/firebase/init.jsin your project file
  7. Replace that firebaseConfig object with one you just copied

Run Project

Type npm run serve


  • When the user is logged in, his/her id, name and email will be stored in the store (Vuex). That means that information will available for entire app via getter
  • When you run this app, you will get a nice preset which can be easily read.
  • On refreshing the page you will not lose the user info. Logged in user will be logged in
  • You will also get a protected view (Profile page). Protected view can only be accessed when the user is logged in