
Scraper that scrapes all the categories available in Booksmandala website.

Primary LanguagePython


The website has a hidden apis available. The scraper scrapes using requests module to api endpoints.


Below are the steps use by a scraper:
⁍ Make request to API endpoint
⁍ Read and fetch the data
⁍ Check the number of pages available in the api endpoint.
⁍ Download all the api content in a JSON format in a neatly created folder according to the category available in the website
⁍ Extract all intended datas available in the downloaded json file and export into new single JSON or Excel format.
⁍ Give the User option to keep or delete the downloaded JSON file.

I approach this step to avoid the unnecessary requests to API while extracting or playing around with datas.


⁍ Clone the repository and pase the URL in main_downloader_scraper.py.
⁍ User is greeted with availbale category of the Books available in the website with instructions:
⁍ Enter the number according to the category and scraper will begin to download json file and export into the intended dataframes.
⁍ After the scraping process. Scraper will ask the user to keep or delete the downloaded json file.
⁍ After the command the scraper will exit.

Package installation:
