
To give a positive overview over open source software development culture.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository is aimed at giving a positive overview on open source development. Are you not comfortable with Javascript, well there's nothing to fret! Click here to view some other languages that might have something that you will like. (Special thanks to Aman for the review)

Registering for Hacktoberfest (Already registered?)

  1. Create a Github account if you don't already have one.
  2. Register yourself at Hactoberfest 2020 using your Github account.
  3. Come back to this Hacktoberfest repo.

Creating your first pull request.

  1. Sign in into your Github account.
  2. Fork this repository.
  3. Go to the your copy of the forked reposity (<your-username>/javascript-hacktoberfest).
  4. Go to the hello_world folder and click the "Create new file" button.
  5. Change the name of the file to ".js" and write a hello world script in Javascript.
  6. After writing the script, click the Commit new file button (If you get two options saying commit directly to master & create new branch, select the first one).
  7. Go to your repository's home page (/javascript-hacktoberfest).
  8. Click New pull request.
  9. Click the green Create pull request.
  10. Input a reasonable and valid title with a fulfilling description.
  11. Finally, click the "Create pull request" button to submit your pull request.

Meeting the target

To redeem a Hacktoberfest 2020 t-shirt, you must submit 4 successful pull requests.

Want to contribute to this repository in other languages? Go here to find a list! If you wan't to continue contributing to this repository in Javascript, create another pull request in this repository, go into the folders (exluding hello_world), and follow steps 5 to 12.

You can only submit another pull request after your previous request has been merged. Your pull request will be accepted as soon as possible (usually around an hour).

folder_name details
hello_world Print hello world
addition Find the product between two numbers
subtraction Find difference between two numbers
multiplication Find the product between two numbers
division Find the quotient between two numbers

Don't fully understand Javascript?

Contribute in other languages

Repo name Description Link
java-hacktoberfest Hacktoberfest repository centered around Java Here
javascript-hacktoberfest Hacktoberfest repository centered around Javascript Here
python-hacktoberfest Hacktoberfest repository centered around Python Here
cpp-hacktoberfest Hacktoberfest repository centered around C++ Here