
Coupled pavement-urban canyon model code

Primary LanguageC++

Files for Coupled Model

Files for the coupled pavement-urban canyon model used in this paper: Sen, S., & Roesler, J. (2019, January). Coupled pavement-urban canyon model for assessing cool pavements. In International Airfield and Highway Pavements Conference 2019: Innovation and Sustainability in Highway and Airfield Pavement Technology (pp. 207-215). American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

Run on OpenFOAM v 6.0 and Python3

To use

Generate the mesh

gmsh -3 Urban3D.geo Urban3D.msh

Import the mesh into OpenFOAM:

gmshToFoam Urban3D.msh

Modify polyMesh with appropriate boundary conditions (not automated yet)

Run the following command from the terminal inside any of the folders:

bash runthis

The following processes will be run:

  1. Any leftover processor or post-processing folders will be deleted
  2. Any leftover log files will be deleted (use mv to rename if you need it!)
  3. Any intermediate output folders will be deleted
  4. The domain will be decomposed based on decomposeParDict
  5. Parallel run of renumberMesh (edit to specify number of processors; use nprocto check how many are available)
  6. The solver is run (buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam; OpenFOAM v 7.0 uses a different command)
  7. Subdomain solutions are reconstructed
  8. Post-processing steps executed (varies, check file)

Use the following command to for some additional plots:

bash plotresiduals

For coupled iteration

Run the following command to obtain canopy-average 2 m air temperature and wind speed (results stored in canopydata.csv:

python3 canopyaverage.py

Use the data to update boundary conditions in 0/ and run the next iteration. I just take the average of all the data.