Use d3-annotation with built-in annotation types, or extend it to make custom annotations. It is made for d3-v4 in SVG.
- 1
- 0
Will the package be updated? Can we do PRs?
#96 opened by davidkutas - 0
annotations editable by end user
#90 opened by dal233 - 0
- 2
Line wrapping with custom fonts
#33 opened by susielu - 0
- 1
editMode Does not work after d3 v6
#77 opened by DishenWang2023 - 0
please upgrade to d3 v6
#76 opened by pbadenski - 0
text.annotation-note-label overlaps text.annotation-note-title (rather than offsetting)
#72 opened by kortina - 5
- 5
Wrapping and text size in responsive design
#19 opened by Mavromatika - 3
Bracket Annotations
#16 opened by emeeks - 3
Note placement
#61 opened by sashabeep - 2
Canvas scaling?
#60 opened by sashabeep - 1
- 3
Custom orientation being overridden
#56 opened by jjsiman - 1
Missing Typescript type - notePadding()
#55 opened by avoerman - 5
EditMode not working properly in ShadowDOM
#52 opened by manuelroth - 6
event is null when used with react
#24 opened by benjazehr - 3
Drag connector end when editMode is enabled
#51 opened by gabrieleciech - 1
- 2
Overlapping Demo is broken
#49 opened by mcnuttandrew - 3
The property `subject` don't work when config the annotation in version 2.2.2
#48 opened by wufeihuang - 3
bug end-connector change dynamically
#28 opened by lorenzopub - 5
Annotations type change dynamically
#46 opened by Eugene88 - 3
Add drag to texts
#45 opened by Microbie - 1
#44 opened by chris-canipe - 3
"wrap" is performance heavy
#43 opened by pbadenski - 1
Title and label alignment
#38 opened by zaikin-andrew - 2
create example that uses d3-svg-annotation from npm with default d3v4 bundle
#13 opened by micahstubbs - 3
public api for custom multiline note
#41 opened by mipac - 2
- 1
Allow override of dot/arrow sizes
#37 opened by briantjacobs - 2
The upper line in callout types disappeared?
#42 opened by existe-deja - 2
Annotation Background Color
#39 opened by yongpark - 4
Extending Badge + CalloutCircle
#36 opened by yongpark - 2
Annotation doesn't appear on IE 11
#32 opened by richielionell - 1
Implement default styles
#34 opened by susielu - 1
Adding Graphics to Notes
#15 opened by emeeks - 2
- 1
#30 opened by pmirla - 2
IE11 bug after 1.13.0 release
#29 opened by russellsamora - 2
- 11
catch drag start/end event ?
#26 opened by lorenzopub - 6
The library is repacking d3 modules
#20 opened - 0
Firefox .getBBox() error
#25 opened by susielu - 1
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Note Label padding top different then padding
#21 opened by ivanbacher - 2
- 0
Connector Labeling
#14 opened by emeeks