This custom EM will allow Admins to create/import office hours into REDCap project and allow users to book these appointments. Public users can reserve these hours for from Calendar page. Or Users can be prompt to scheduler a follow up call/meeting after completing a survey.
User can view/manage her/his reservations.
Admins can view/manage/reschedule her/his or other calendars.
You need two main arms in Appointment Scheduler Project.
- Slots Arm. This arm will contain Time Slots events and instruments.
- Reservation Arm. this will contain Reservation events and instruments. Also It will include survey instrument if applicable.
####Main Instruments:
- Time Slots Instrument ZIP:
- Start Time (start)
- End Time (end)
- Instructor (instructor)
- Location (location)
- Notes (notes)
- Log (log)
- Number of Participants (number_of_participants)
- Slot status (slot_status)
- Reservation Instrument ZIP:
- Slot ID (slot_if)
- SUNetID(sunet_id Optional)
- Name (name)
- Email (email)
- Mobile (mobile)
- Notes (participant_notes)
- Private (private)
- Status (participant_status)
- Location (location)
- Department(department optional)
- Project ID (project_id).
####Optional Instruments: If you are using Appointment Scheduler to follow up with survey participants. You need to create a field in your survey that will be replaced with reservation button and will hold the Slot ID value after survey is submitted. And select this field in config.json.
####EM configuration:
For each Appointment type you need to create new REDCap instance (E.g instance for office hour and another for training). .Below are configuration options for each Instance.
- You need to define description of the Appointment Scheduler.
- Select Slots event name which MUST include the slots instrument.
- Select Reservation event which MUST include the reservation instrument.
- Optional: select survey instrument that will allow the participant to schedule a follow up call/meeting after completing the survey.
- If you select a survey instrument for the scheduler you need to select a field that will be replaced with Scheduler Appointment button then will hold the reservation record ID after saving the Appointment.
- Option to integrate REDCap calendar into the calendar view of the Appointment Scheduler.
- Text description for Notes field.
- Option to display Notes textarea.
- Option to display a list of project the User is part of. This option will allow user to tie their appointment to a project.
- Type an email that the EM to send reservation communication from.
- Type sender name.
- Type Calendar Email subject.
- Type Calendar Email body.
####URL: http://[HOST_NAME]/[REDCap_EM_FOLDER]/?prefix=appointment_scheduler&page=src%2Ftypes&projectid=[PROJECT_ID]
####Sample Projects: