
🦇 Riddle me this, riddle me that, who's afraid of the robot-bat?

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Fladdermus is my personal Discord bot. She's written in TypeScript, using Klasa which is built on top of discord.js.


The first few versions mostly related to language learning as that was my main interest at the times, so she could do things like:

  • exercises relating to evaluating one's proficiency in a language
  • conjugating verbs etc.
  • looking up word in dictionaries, on Wiktionary etc.
  • and so on

Why "Fladdermus"?

Fladdermus is the Swedish word for bat and Swedish is my L2. 🦇

I don't particularly like bats (except Fladdermus) but it's just a fun word.

It roughly translates as "flapping mouse". I know, right?

Why version 4?

I'm learning Klasa to replace my old friend Commando and I decided to relearn TypeScript simultaneously, so... I needed a project.

Where are versions 1 through 3?

Those repositories are private.


There are READMEs in every directory, which will give you a brief overview of what that directory contains.

The code will also be at least somewhat reasonably well-commented, so feel free to read the source.



cp .env.example .env # Copy the example dotenv file
code .env            # Configure the bot in your editor of choice

Required environmental variables

Install Dependencies

npm install


npm run build


npm run start