
Taxonomy Project for the Web's 3.0 Agency and Attribution Layer.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

The objective of this project is to develop a taxonomy and ontology to bridge the gap between digital solutions aiming to facilitate human economic activity and the practical requirements needed to enforce obligations in the physical realm - i.e. provide digital documentation ('evidence') which satisfies legal standards and requirements in the relevant jurisdictions. While the ontological aspects identify and distinguish concepts and their relationships, the taxonomy formalizes the hierarchical relationships among concepts and specifies the term to be used to refer to each, prescribing structure and terminology.

Interoperability of digital solutions need to necessarily start on the natural language level, moving to the semantic level (where necessary within the appropriate discipline), further to linguistics, and finally to high-level coding languages, and ultimately math.

As such this project provides a Wiki, and list of terms which require IRL definitions before creating project outlines for (decentralized) software solutions, in particular blockchains and directed acyclic graphs. To that extent we find it unhelpful to refer to these applications as protocols, as they necessarily live in true protocol environment, making use of the later (blockchains are 'protocols' in a business logic sense, but functionally are applications within network technologies).

The wider objective is to facilitate the development of a human-centered network (web), in which individuals regain agency and control over the feedback mechanisms technologies provide to them.

Importantly, this is not a philosophical 'exercise' but rather a practical one, which presupposes that a central tenet of innovation through technology is the increase of human productivity, freeing up individuals energies and attention (agency) - measured in time - that these can deliberately assign to leisure activities or higher order pursuits, such as the accumulation of knowledge or wealth. Or, in other words, reverse the paradigm of platforms which most often deploy social-engineering tactics against their users, to empower the user to "social-engineer" himself, setting overridings objectives based on his values before engaging with digital solutions.

For the current state of the taxonomy see the Wiki.