
Machine image configuration for building machine images.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT



This solution only seems to work for nested 32-bit operating systems. Halting development until VirtualBox and/or Mac OS X allows nested 64-bit guests.


The purpose of image-builder is to automate the building of consistent machine images and to provide a consistent machine image to perform the building of consistent machine images.

Image-builder is also intended to help us better understand and test the image building process and technologies, and to act as a kickstarter for improving the development/deployment process.

The machine image building process is:

  1. define a machine image in a set of configuration files
  2. store and control the configuration files in a repository
  3. start the image-builder machine
  4. clone the configuration files from the repository
  5. run a command to build the machine image defined by the configuration files

Image-builder contains the image-builder machine image configuration files.

Image-builder can build the image-builder machine image.

How to use image-builder


  1. VirtualBox
  2. Vagrant
  3. internet connectivity
  4. the image-builder machine image base box

Since you'll be developing images, it is expected that you will also have a Git client, an SSH client, a text editor, and other developer tools.

Software versions successfully tested (host)

Date OS VirtualBox Vagrant Notes
12-Sep-2014 OS X 10.9.4 4.3.16 1.6.5

Recommended setup

Below are a set of steps which have been successfully used to prepare for running image-builder in VirtualBox. These steps result in a directory named image-builder residing in your home directory on the host mache. The image-builder directory will contain the image-builder base box and folders used for caching of files during the building of new images.

The initial steps can vary, depending on whether an image-builder base box is available. The preferred and simplest process is to use an existing image-builder base box. Using an existing image-builder base box also provides the most consistent results.

Preferred option: use existing image-builder base box

If you have an existing image-builder.box or can obtain this file, use this option. Otherwise use the alternative option.

  1. create a directory named 'image-builder' in your home directory
  2. change the current working directory to the image-builder directory created in the previous step
  3. create a directory named 'box' (in the image-builder directory)
  4. copy the image-builder base box into the box directory

Alternative option: build image-builder base box

Skip this alternative option if you already have the image-builder base box in the box directory.

Additional prerequisite: Packer

  1. in your home directory, execute the followng Git command to create a directory named 'image-builder' and clone the latest version of the image-builder code
git clone https://github.com/sutch/image-builder.git
  1. change the current working directory to the image-builder directory
  2. execute the following Packer command to build the image-builder base box (this step should take many minutes)
packer build image-builder.json
  1. once you're ready to use the image-builder machine, it is recommended that all image-builder source code be removed, including the following (any changes to image-builder configuration should be done from within an image-builder machine) * .git * .gitignore * http folder and its contents * image-builder.json * README.md * script folder and its contents

Readying the host machine

You should now have the image-builder base box in the box directory.

  1. execute the following Vagrant command to add the image-builder machine to Vagrant
vagrant init image-builder box/image-builder.box
  1. add the following to the Vagrant.configure block in Vagrantfile to have a console window open when the machine is launched (to debug, it is helpful to examine machines being build from within the image-builder machine) and to increase the memory of the image-builder guest (in order to build image-builder guest and other machines having 512 MB of memory)
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
  # Boot with headless mode
  vb.gui = true

  # Use VBoxManage to change memory and CPU count:
  vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 1024, "--cpus", 2]
  1. create a directory named 'dev' in the image-builder directory to manage your image development artifacts

Using the image-builder image

The following should be executed in the image-builder directory of the host.

  • vagrant up -- to start the machine
  • vagrant ssh -- to SSH to the machine
  • vagrant halt -- to halt the machine
  • vagrant destroy -- to halt the machine and destroy all resources that were created during the machine creation process
  • vagrant box remove [NAME] -- remove the box from Vagrant

How to modify an existing machine image

This section describes how to obtain and modify the image-builder image using a running image-builder machine. This instructions can be adapted for building other machine images.


  • to allow use of tools installed on your physical machine, the image-builder/dev/image-builder directory on your physical machine is used to edit the image's configuration
  • packer and vagrant are executed from the /vagrant/dev/image-builder directory on the image-builder guest machine to build, execute and test the modified image
  1. on the host machine that has VirtualBox running the image-builder machine as a guest 1. change the working directory to the image-builder directory 2. if the packer-cache directory does not yet exist, create it 3. execute the following Git command to clone the image-builder configuration to the dev folder
git clone https://github.com/sutch/image-builder.git dev/image-builder
4. execute the following vagrant commands to start an image-builder machine and SSH to the machine
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
  1. you should now have a shell, using SSH, on the image-builder machine to perform the following 1. change working directory to /vagrant/dev/image-builder 2. create a soft link to enable caching of Packer requested ISOs to the host machine
ln -s /vagrant/packer_cache packer_cache
3. execute the following command to build image-builder
packer build image-builder.json

How to create and build a new machine image

This section describes how to build the image-builder machine image when the image-builder machine image base box is not available. This also describes how image-builder is built and how it builds machine images.

This process should take place from within an instance of the image-builder machine.

Create the configuration files

Note: The steps for creating configuration files for another machine image is similar.

  1. create a directory to contain the configuration files; change working directory to this directory
  2. create a Packer template - Packer Documentation: Templates
  3. create a directory named 'http' to contain content for Packer's HTTP server
  4. create a preconfiguration file in the HTTP server directory - Ubuntu Community Help Wiki: InstallCDCustomization, Ubuntu Documentation: Installing Ubuntu 14.04: Automating the installation using preseeding
  5. create a directory named 'script' for scripts
  6. create scripts in the scripts directory
  7. use git to manage; push to repo

Generate the base box

  1. install VirtualBox
  2. install Vagrant
  3. install Packer
  4. obtain the machine's configuration (the image-builder configuration is available at [TBD: location])
  5. change working directory to [TBD]
  6. execute: packer (TBD: command syntax)

Using the base box

The above steps result in the box directory containing the VirtualBox base box for image-builder. The following shell commands should be available:

  • vagrant box add image-builder box/image-builder.box
  • vagrant init image-builder
  • vagrant up
  • vagrant ssh
  • vagrant halt


Directory structure across machines

  • /vagrant -- folder on each guest virtual machine
    • synced with the current working directory (where Vangrantfile resides on the host machine--when following this documentation, the HOME/image-builder folder)
  • packer_cache directory -- cache of ISOs downloaded by Packer
    • located on physical host machine; intended to be the single and persistent location for all Packer downloaded ISOs
    • manually created in each projects directory (/vagrant/dev/[PROJECT]) on the image-builder machine as a soft link to /vagrant/packer_cache

How to contribute to image-builder

Always edit the image-builder code from within an image-builder machine instance. Eating our own dogfood results in discovering issues earlier.

Updating the configuration

  • git

Updating this document


  • Add automatic clone from a git repo
  • Clean up docs
  • Add Nanoc
  • Enable web server for serving docs

Possible future enhancements

  • save images to shared directory on host OS
  • image-builder provides web interface to documentation
  • image-builder provides web interface for all functionality

Technologies used by image-builder

  • VirtualBox for running and building virtual machines
  • Vagrant for managing machine instances running in VirtualBox
  • Packer for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from configuration files
  • Git for version control
  • Nanoc for generating documentation