
Try to experience how to use semantic-release

Primary LanguageJava

docker login mydocker:8082

Enable docker login:

Enable the Docker Bearer Token Realm in Nexus Security->Realms Tab

Try upload to private docker registry

Add configuration in build.gradle

./gradlew jib -DsendCredentialsOverHttp=true


sudo apt-get install node npm
sudo npm install semantic-release @semantic-release/exec -g
sudo npm install @saithodev/semantic-release-gitea -g



  • Authentication go git to push git tags environment variable: GH_TOKEN = ebef24dfee2e76abe415cdb59b8342b929ef7927
  • GIT_CREDENTIALS: URL encoded :, The username and password must each be individually URL encoded.
  • SSH

Jenkins token: 11f16d1ee4c0d19ba1622e3fefbfd39052

export GITEA_TOKEN=0d52217a471423ba6210588baa607ae69135a342

GITEA_URL: http://gitea:3000

Config Jenkins

  • Install Gitea plugin
  • Config multi-branch pipeline with git repo (using git)
  • Create agent: Manage Nodes and Clouds -> new Node. Give name and select permanent agent. Next. Remote root directory: /home/jenkins/agent save and jenkins will shows start up command. Copy the command to run it in slave jenkins https://hub.docker.com/r/jenkins/agent

Build jenkins agent with nodejs support

docker build -t jenkins-agent:jdk11-sr .

Note: also need to set GH_TOKEN

Docker registry credential

There is no way to pass variables from jenkins into semantic-release plugins. Tried to use environment variables with env. But semantic-release/exec plugin failed to read env variables.

The solution is to use Jib gradle image.to.auth configuration in build.gradle to read system environment variables.