
An interactive web application for visualizing basic Data Structures and Algorithms that makes the learning experience more engaging for users. Key features include visualizations of fundamental algorithms like sorting and searching in arrays, linked list operations, BFS and DFS traversal in trees and shortest path finding in graphs, etc.

Primary LanguageCSS

AlgoCommando Web App

AlgoCommando is a web application that visualizes various popular algorithms such as bubble sort, minimum pathfinding, linear and binary search in arrays, breadth-first search (BFS), depth-first search (DFS) in a tree, and linked list operations. The app is built using the p5.js library for graphics rendering and interactivity.

Additionally, the AlgoCommando web app features a home page that serves as a hub for users to access various algorithm pages. The home page provides links to the bubble sort, minimum pathfinding, linear and binary search, BFS and DFS in a tree, and linked list operations pages, making navigating between different visualizations easy. The home page also includes additional resource links, such as tutorials and references, to help users further understand the algorithms. Moreover, the app introduces the team behind AlgoCommando, providing information about the developers and their expertise in algorithms and web development. The team is committed to providing an engaging and educational experience for users to learn and explore different algorithms through visualizations.


  • Bubble Sort Animation
    • The app displays an animation of the bubble sort algorithm in action. A predefined array of numbers is visualized as bars that can be sorted in ascending order using the bubble sort algorithm. The app allows users to update, delete, and edit the array elements to see how the algorithm works in real time.
  • Minimum Path Finding
    • AlgoCommando also provides a page for finding the minimum path in a graph. Users can input a graph with weighted edges, and the app will display the minimum path between two vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm. The app provides an interactive visualization of the graph and the algorithm's progress.
  • Linear and Binary Search in Arrays
    • The app includes a page for visualizing linear and binary search operations on arrays. Users can input an array and search for a target value using either linear or binary search. The app displays the search process step-by-step, highlighting the compared elements and the target value to help users understand how these algorithms work.
  • BFS and DFS in a Tree
    • AlgoCommando offers a page for visualizing breadth-first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS) operations on a tree. Users can input a tree with nodes and edges and choose either BFS or DFS to traverse the tree. The app displays the traversal process step-by-step, highlighting the visited nodes and the traversal order to help users understand the differences between these two traversal algorithms.
  • Linked List Operations
    • The app also provides a page for visualizing every day linked list operations. Users can input a linked list and perform operations such as pushing, inserting at a specific position, and deleting a node. The app displays the linked list on the screen and shows the operations in real time, helping users understand how linked lists work and how these operations affect the list structure.

Getting Started

To run the AlgoCommando web app locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. cd algoCommando
  3. Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  4. Go to http://localhost:3000/
  5. Navigate through the different algorithm pages using the menu provided.
  6. Interact with the app by inputting values, selecting options, and observing the visualizations.
  7. Enjoy exploring various algorithms in action!

Technologies Used

  • p5.js
    • A JavaScript library for graphics rendering and interactivity is used for creating the AlgoCommando web app's visualizations.
  • ReactJS
    • Used for creating web pages and user interfaces.
  • Redux Toolkit
    • Used for maintaining the reacting state.
  • d3.js
    • Used for animation of trees.