We are aimed to integrate Taichi to Unreal Engine.
If you are new to UE and Taichi, start with Learning Task(If you are familiar with both, just skip it).
Here is our Final Project, enjoy it.
- Encourage you ask any question by submmitting issues
- Don't hesitate to ask any questions, even it's naive
- 每两周会有一次线上会议,同步当前进展以及每位同学的工作
- 中间没有会议的单周大家发邮件到两位导师邮箱即可(线上会议周时不需要发周报,也就是邮件周报也是间隔两周)
- 邮件汇报尽可能简短,阐明当前做了什么,有什么结果,遇到什么问题,接下来要做什么(建议不超过200字,可简单配图),如果需要以富文本展示,建议附上链接(比如github提供的readme.md)
- 希望支持3D场景的Visulization