
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stride - nwHacks 2023

nwHacks 2023 2nd Place!



Inspired by UBC's AMS SafeWalk, we wanted to provide a smoother and more efficient user experience for students to get home safe after dark. Using a flow similar to Uber, we are aiming to digitize the process without having to deal with tedious calls and lack of live status.

What it does

Stride pairs you with walkers, to get you home safe!

How we built it

React Native, Express JS, MongoDB

Challenges we ran into

Environment setups were especially tough – setting up mobile development on an Intel Macbook, M1 Macbook and Windows laptop, there were a lot of variation, each creating different and difficult issues.

Accomplishments that we’re proud of

Finishing the app and placing 2nd out of 133 teams!

What we learned

Rapid mobile development, use of Mongoose data schemas.

What's next for Stride

Improve the app and hopefully as a first step being able to offer the solution to UBC AMS to improve their SafeWalk program.