
Simple personal budget management REST API

Primary LanguageC#


Budget REST API is a budget management system. Using the application, the Users can record and maintain financial Transactions, which are stored in the Budget Files under a chosen Category.

Key features

  • The application is written on C# and leverages ASP.Net for web-server and Entity Framework for database interactions.
  • The application and database are configured for containerized deployment on Kubernetes cluster.
  • The API provides an authentication mechanism based on a JWT token, which may be transferred directly or in the cookie (for safe authentication in a web context).


Local run

The application requires database to run. You may change the variables in the BudgetWebApi/Properties/launchSettings.json to point the app to the database. Alternatively, you can edit BudgetWebApi/Startup.cs to use SQLite.

  • In the BudgetModel directory, execute dotnet ef database update to set up the database.
  • In the BudgetWebApi directory, execute dotnet run to run the application.

Service deployment

Use make to build, deploy and expose the application on the kubernetes cluster.

  • make kube-secrets - creates kubernetes secrets (required by other deployments)
  • make minikube-images - points the docker to the minikube environment and builds the images for local deployment
  • make remote-images - builds the images for amd64 platform and pushes into the docker registry
  • make restart - restarts the service (reloads the image)
  • make listen-postgres - exposes the postgres database to the local port 5432
  • make listen-api - exposes the application on the port 8765



  • Models: Defines the main models of the system:
    • User: Represents a user, who can create and own budget files, categories and transactions.
    • Category: Represents a category for transactions.
    • BudgetFile: Represents a budget file, which holds transactions. The budget file also defines who is allowed to access it (owners).
    • Transaction: Represents a financial transaction, including details like type, date, owner, author, and amount.
  • Context: Defines the database context, including the connection string and the configuration of the database tables. The relationship between the entities is also defined in the context class.
  • Enums: Contains the TransactionType enum, which defines the types of transactions (Income, Expense, Budget).
  • Interfaces: Contains the IPeriodic interface, which represents a periodic entity with year and period properties.
  • Extensions: Includes extension methods for periodic transactions, such as filtering by period.


Provides data access services:

  • UserService - registration, password verification of the users
  • BudgetFileService - get, add, update and delete (deactivate) the Budget File
  • CategoryService
  • TransactionService


Provides REST API with the following endpoints:

Endpoint route Method DTO Description
/user/signup POST SignUp Creates a new user
/user/login POST SignIn Authenticates the user
/user/logout POST {Empty} Sends a cookie with an empty access_token
/user/{user-id} GET Gets information about user
/budget GET Gets the list of budgets
/budget/add POST BudgetFileAdd Adds a new budget
/budget/{budget-id} GET Gets specific budget
/budget/{budget-id} PUT BudgetFileUpdate Updates the details of the budget
/budget/{budget-id} DELETE Sets the budget to status "deleted"
/budget/{budget-id}/categories GET Gets all categories for the budget
/budget/{budget-id}/categories/add POST CategoryAdd Adds a category to the budget
/budget/{budget-id}/categories/{category-id} GET Gets specific category
/budget/{budget-id}/categories/{category-id} PUT CategoryUpdate Updates the details of the category
/budget/{budget-id}/categories/{category-id} DELETE Sets the category to status "inactive"
/budget/{budget-id}/owners GET Gets the owners of the budget
/budget/{budget-id}/owners/add POST BudgetOwnerAdd Adds a new owner to the budget
/budget/{budget-id}/owners/{user-id} DELETE Removes user from the owners
/budget/{budget-id}/transactions GET Gets all transactions for the budget
/budget/{budget-id}/transactions/add POST TransactionAdd Adds new transaction
/budget/{budget-id}/transactions/{transaction-id} GET Gets specific transaction
/budget/{budget-id}/transactions/{transaction-id} PUT TransactionUpdate Updates transaction details


This project is distributed under the MIT license.