- 5
Error message shows up
#130 opened by windvane - 5
Questions on first use
#129 opened by MozgC - 4
- 3
Does someone have example main.db?
#127 opened by WowInceptionGood - 7
- 22
Error syncing from Skype online service
#123 opened by rpodric - 1
Delete from Skype but retain offline
#125 opened by ozarugit - 8
Exporting images inside HTML file
#124 opened by jkdn0921s - 3
I cannot find a main.db file in my Skype folder on Mac, even though I know I chatted on Skype in 2016.
#122 opened by NylaTheWolf - 3
CSV export formating to bypass commas "," . Errors when importing CSV to other services
#120 opened by fl0oo - 4
- 7
- 4
Error on parsing new messages.json files
#119 opened by The-Kitchen-Sink - 7
Local version of Skype has more messages than cloud version, but there is no readable `.db`
#118 opened by jpmvferreira - 2
Can no longer log in
#116 opened by robbely - 8
Error loading group chat ...
#114 opened by timm735 - 3
Error calling <bound method SkypeChat.getMsgs
#113 opened by ingenuitor - 11
Caching media files.
#112 opened - 2
Can't open certain group chats
#115 opened by Jeej-Explosive - 37
Merging multiple databases with the same chat results in duplicated messages in chat history
#93 opened by unilock - 20
- 3
installing skperious on mac M1 fails with "ERROR: failed building wxWidgets"
#104 opened by birdridge - 3
- 47
IndexError: string index out of range
#108 opened by 1337-537h - 3
NameError: name 'db' is not defined
#110 opened by jon-62 - 3
Cannot Login
#109 opened by FreddyD5 - 2
- 4
Exception: Multiline text items are not allowed
#103 opened by vfedorov - 5
Error Syncing with Skype
#106 opened by clienthax - 2
Python 3 support
#96 opened - 13
- 34
Skyperious 4.7 Online sync stopping at 4/2018
#100 opened by RikuAotsuki - 24
Export only available as text file?
#101 opened by arun-gurung - 30
Skyperious 4.7 can't find all chats
#99 opened by arun-gurung - 7
- 4
Getting stuck at "quering recent chats".
#98 opened - 2
Be friendlier to non-terminals?
#97 opened - 2
Virus detected by Kaspersky
#95 opened by windvane - 4
Error loading any chat (suddenly)
#94 opened by rpodric - 8
- 7
Blocked non-contacts
#89 opened by rpodric - 8
Only one prior database seems to be remembered
#90 opened by rpodric - 3
can I use skyperious to take a .tar file from Skype, and make an html with images in-line with the chat history?
#88 opened by birdridge - 4
SkypeAuthException: (wsse:FailedAuthentication - Authentication Failure, <Response [200]>)
#83 opened by rpodric - 3
so is skyperious working yet with skype 8.x?
#87 opened by 4evermaat - 1
Unable to export with command line
#86 opened by tspivey - 2
- 3
Dark Mode
#81 opened by timea-techgirl - 2
Python can`t fine module ConfigParser
#82 opened by arun-gurung - 1