
A program to convert Roman Numerals to their respective Decimal values

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Roman Numerals Lab

A program to convert Roman Numerals to their respective Decimal values. Keep the following in mind:

  • 7 basic Numerals (I, V, X, L, C, D, M)
  • Case-insensitive
  • Not allow Invalid Symbols (0, -ve numbers)
  • Ignore whitespace
  • Satisfy Addition rule
  • Satisfy Repetition rule
  • Satisfy Sorting rule
  • Satisfy Subtraction rule

Feature: Roman to Decimal Conversion

In order to easily remember which games I want to watch.
As Joe, a baseball league match follower,
I want to convert Roman Numerals to Decimal Numbers

Scenario Outline: Seven Basic Numerals

Given a roman digit
When user enters <roman_digit>
Then <decimal_value> should be displayed


roman_digit decimal_value comment
I 1 (one) (unus)
V 5 (five) (quinque)
X 10 (ten) (decem)
L 50 (fifty) (quinquaginta)
C 100 (one hundred) (centum)
D 500 (five hundred) (quingenti)
M 1000 (one thousand) (mille)

Examples: Roman Numerals are case-insensitive

roman_digit decimal_value
I 1
i 1
V 5
v 5
X 10
x 10
L 50
l 50
C 100
c 100
D 500
d 500
M 1000
m 1000

Scenario Outline: Invalid Roman Numerals are not allowed

Given an invalid roman numeral
When user enters <roman_number>
Then <message> should be displayed


roman_number message comment
0 Error Romans did not have the concept of zero
-i Error Romand did not have the concept of negative number
-X Error Romand did not have the concept of negative number
null Error null is not valid
blank Error blank is not valid
a Error a is invalid
A Error A is invalid
Z Error Z is invalid
z Error z is invalid

Scenario Outline: Series of Roman Digits form a Romal Numeral

Given a series of roman digits When user enters <roman_number> Then <decimal_value> should be displayed

Examples: Addition Rules

The system of Roman numerals is a so-called additive system. Thus, the values of the used numeric symbols just have to be added in order to get the number represented.

roman_number decimal_value comment
C 100 is valid
CC 200 is valid
CCLXVII 267 CCLXVII = C + C + L + X + V + I + I = 100 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 267
mdclxvi 1666 mdclxvi = m + d + c + l + x + v + i = 1000 + 500 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 = 1666
VV Error V is not a power of ten. Only powers of ten (I, X, C, M) can be repeated.
LL Error L is not a power of ten. Only powers of ten (I, X, C, M) can be repeated.
DD Error D is not a power of ten. Only powers of ten can be repeated.
CCC 300 is valid
XXX 30 is valid
XXXXXXXXXX Error Any numeral cannot repeat more than 3 times
IIII Error Any numeral cannot repeat more than 3 times

Examples: Sorting Rules

The rule of addition is complemented by the rule of sorting: The letters within a Roman numeral have to be sorted from left to right in descending order: Letters with the highest values are on the left; to the right the values decrease more and more. Thus, the Roman numeral CCLXVII cannot alternatively be written as, for instance, IIVXLCC.

roman_number decimal_value comment
CCLXVII 267 all the letters are sorted from left to right in descending order
IIVXLCC Error I is smaller than V which is smaller than X and so forth. They have to be in descending order

Examples: Subtraction Rules

If a Roman letter with a smaller value stands on the left of a letter with a higher value, then the smaller value is not added, but has to be subtracted from the larger. The result is then added to the rest of the letters. The rule of sorting makes it possible to write some numbers in a shorter notation?. For example, according to the rule of addition the value 44 is written as:

10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 44

The rule of subtraction makes it possible to write:

(-10) + 50 + (-1) + 5 = 44
roman_number decimal_value comment
XCIX 99 XCIX = (-)X + C + (-)I + X = (-10) + 100 + (-1) + 10 = 99
CCXLIII 243 CCXLIII = C + C + (-)X + L + I + I +I = 100 + 100 + (50 - 10) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 243

Examples: Only one letter can be subtracted from another letter, not two or more

roman_number decimal_value comment
CCM Error CCM isn't 800 because you can only subtract one letter from another, not two.
XXL Error XXL isn't 30 because you can only subtract one letter from another, not two.

Examples: Only powers of ten (I, X, C, M) can be subtracted.

roman_number decimal_value comment
IV 4 Only powers of ten (I, X, C, M) can be subtracted
IX 9 Only powers of ten (I, X, C, M) can be subtracted
XL 40 Only powers of ten (I, X, C, M) can be subtracted
XC 90 Only powers of ten (I, X, C, M) can be subtracted
CD 400 Only powers of ten (I, X, C, M) can be subtracted
CM 900 Only powers of ten (I, X, C, M) can be subtracted
VL Error VL isn't 45 because V (5) isn't a power of ten.

Examples: The smaller letter must be 1/5th (one-fifth) or 1/10th (one-tenth) the larger one.

roman_number decimal_value comment
IC Error IC isn't 99 because I (1) is 1/100th of C (100), not 1/10th.
IL Error IL isn't 49 because I (1) is 1/50th of L (50), not 1/5th.

Examples: The smaller letter must be either the first numeral or preceded by a letter at least ten times greater than it.

roman_number decimal_value comment
DCM Error DCM isn't 1400 because D (500) is less than 1000 (10 * 100 (C)).

Examples: If another letter follows the larger one, it must be smaller than the number preceding the larger one.

roman_number decimal_value comment
XCL Error XCL isn't 140 because L (50) isn't smaller than X (10).
XCX Error XCX isn't 100 because X (10) isn't smaller than itself.

Examples: White spaces should be ignored

roman_number decimal_value comment
i 1 ignore white spaces before numerals
v 5 ignore white spaces after numerals
x 10 ignore white spaces before and after numerals
l x 60 ignore white spaces in between numerals
c l x 160 ignore white spaces in between numerals