All your Major League Baseball teams and their players.
NodeJS App that provides the user with the standings of all 30 teams and all division in the Major League.
Also, you are able to search for a specific team and see the list of players on that team and some of their stats.
A search history is implemented, user will be able to see all the teams they have search for.
Downloading Project
- Click Clone or download.
- Copy the URL provided.
- Open Terminal.
- Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.
- Type git clone [URL]
- Press Enter. Your local clone will be created.
Before Installing any Dependencies
You should have NodeJS and NPM install already.
If you don't have it, Go here:
Dependencies to Install
- body-parser
- express
- nodemon - optional
- ejs
- pg
Install Google Chrome Extension 'Allow-Control-Allow-Origin' for CORS support.
Run 'npm install' [Dependencies] '--save'.
How to run the project
- npm start
- Open your localhost in the browser, e.g. 'localhost:8000'
Starlyn Urena Ventura