
A minimal installation script and how-to guide to set up an environment for training a LLM from scratch and deploying it as a Gradio app on a local machine/cloud provider.

Installations for Workshop


This workshop will cover an end-to-end, hands-on experience of training a simple LLM using Hugging Face that will then be deployed using a Docker container on a local machine or using GCP. Follow the steps below to continue

Game Plan

In this workshop, we will do the following:

  • Fine-tune a Hugging Face LLM (LLaMa 3 - 8B Instruct) on Colab Free Tier GPUs
  • Log our training run using Weights & Biases
  • Create a simple web-app using Gradio/StreamLit to host our LLM
  • Containerize the web-app using Docker
  • Deploy the container on the local machine or on Google Cloud Platform

Machine Installations


To install Docker, follow these steps according to your platform:

Package Installations

⚠️ You will need a Hugging Face account to work with this, so please sign up here. Also, create an account with Weights & Biases as well for experiment tracking here.


Run the following commands

python3.10 -m venv .venv

# If using linux or macos
source .venv/bin/activate
# If using Windows

pip3 install datasets accelerate transformers peft wandb bitsandbytes xformers gradio trl -qq

Longer version

🤗 Transformers

We use Transformers to download and load our models.

pip install transformers


PEFT stands for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning, which will allow us to fine-tune large models on smaller consumer hardware.

pip install peft

🤗 Accelerate

Accelerate is a library that will allow us to leverage our GPUs in the most optimized way possible and make it easier for us to configure it.

pip install accelerate

🤗 Datasets

Datasets will allow us to download and register our datasets in a few simple steps!

pip install datasets


We use BitsAndBytes to perform QLoRA effectively.

pip install bitsandbytes


We use XFormers to get efficient attention model implementations and kernels.

pip install xformers

Weights & Biases

We will use WandB for quick experiment tracking. Make sure you create an account with WandB to log your runs correctly.

pip install wandb


We use Gradio to create a simple web-app that can act as a front-end for our LLM.

pip install gradio


We use TRL for getting reinforcement learning trainers.

pip install trl

Google Cloud Platform

⚠️ This part is optional. If you wish, you can follow the GCP-specific sections on a local machine too.

⚠️ This step requires billing accounts and may incur charges. Please make sure you destroy all resources when you are done using them. The intended estimated cost of this workshop at best should not exceed USD 5.

If you would like to follow along for the GCP side of the workshop, please make sure you get a Google Cloud Platform account created with an active Billing Account. To create a Free Tier account (provided you have never made a GCP account before), use this website and log in. Upon logging in, you will notice a blue band on the top of the webpage telling you to register a Credit/Debit card to activate the billing account. Please go ahead and activate the same by entering your details.