Data Structures and Programming with C

Primary LanguageC



Week 1

  • Stack
    • Stack using array (Link)
    • Stack using linkedlist (Link)
  • Queue
    • Queue using array (Link)
    • Queue using linkedlist (Link)
  • Stack & Queue
    • Queue using stack (Link)
    • Stack using queue (Link)
  • Infix - Postfix
    • Infix to Postfix (Link)
  • Tower of Hanoi
    • Tower of Hanoi Iterative (Link)

Week 2

  • Josephus problem (Link)
  • Single linkedlist (Link)
  • Unsorted array search (Link)

Week 3

  • Selection sort (Link)
  • Circular prime (Link)
  • Evaluation tree (Link)
  • Pre-order using in-order post-order (Link)

Week 4

  • Tree height (Link)
  • Infix to postfix (Link)
  • Tree traversal (Link)

Week 5

  • Radix generic (Link)

Week 6

  • Breadth first search (Link)
  • Depth first search (Link)

Week 7

  • Floyd Warshall (Link)
  • Connected components (Link)

Week 8

  • Krushkal's Algorithm (Link)
  • B-Tree (Link)
