🔗🛠️ Replace domain names and remove unwanted tracking data from links shared on Android
Bring back twitter.com! With FixMyLinks, you can turn x.com links back into twitter.com links and remove all tracking data (URL parameters) from these links while you're at it.
You can also set up custom rules to replace domain names in any other links you wish to modify.
Content links generated by apps via their "share" functionality often contain URL parameters used for tracking purposes. FixMyLinks makes it super easy to ensure these links don't contain tracking parameters by removing them for you.
URL parameters can also be used for necessary purposes that affect the link's destination and/or the content you see on screen. Therefore, it's important to avoid removing such parameters from links when creating custom rules.
Currently, the only way to install FixMyLinks is to build from source. Other installation options may be added in the future.
- Git
- Android Studio
- Android Debug Bridge (ADB) (should be bundled with Android Studio)
- A physical or virtual Android device connected to ADB
Clone the repository and enter the project directory
git clone https://github.com/suvanl/FixMyLinks.git FixMyLinks
cd FixMyLinks
Create a local.properties file in the project root containing the path to the Android SDK:
echo "sdk.dir=C\:\\Users\\<YOUR-USERNAME>\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk" >> local.properties
echo "sdk.dir = /Users/<YOUR-USERNAME>/Library/Android/sdk" >> local.properties
echo "sdk.dir = /home/<YOUR-USERNAME>/Android/sdk" >> local.properties
Build the app
.\gradlew assemble
macOS and Linux
./gradlew assemble
You may need to grant execute permissions to
first:chmod +x gradlew
Install the built APK on a connected device
adb install app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
Open the app using the device's launcher. Alternatively, use the following command to run the app:
adb shell am start -n "com.suvanl.fixmylinks/com.suvanl.fixmylinks.MainActivity" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER
Optionally, you may use the
The following usage examples assume that FixMyLinks is installed on a supported Android device.
- Share content from an app that a built-in or custom rule exists for, such as Twitter/X.
- On a piece of shareable content, such as a Tweet/Post, tap the share button. This may open a custom share sheet provided by the app or may open the native share sheet.
- If a custom share sheet is displayed, tap the option to open the native share sheet (i.e., "Share via..." in the Twitter/X app).
- In the native share sheet, select the FixMyLinks "Share to.." option
- This will recreate the share sheet, but for a modified link as per the rule that was matched.
- Select any share option you wish to use. The share target will receive the modified link.
✨ Coming soon
✨ Coming soon
FixMyLinks currently contains the following rules out of the box:
- Twitter/X**
- Instagram*
- Spotify*
** replace domain name and remove tracking parameters
More built-in rules will be added in future releases.
✨ Coming soon — custom rule support will be implemented in a future release.
FixMyLinks is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0).