
Creating an application for blogging using DJango

Primary LanguagePython


Creating an application for blogging using DJango

Steps followed :

  1. pip install django

Collecting django ......etc..... Successfully installed django-2.2.6 sqlparse-0.3.0

  1. python -m django --version

2.2.6 => This shows django was installed properly and shows the version

  1. django-admin startproject bloggers_adda_project

=> This creates a folder by name bloggers_adda_project along with contents needed for the project. This folder would contain manage.py file and another folder inside by the same name as the project folder name i.e. "bloggers_adda_project".

  1. code .

=> To open the project in VS Code editor.

  1. cd bloggers_adda_project

=> To move one level/directory/folder inside the created project folder to execute the runserver command.

  1. python manage.py runserver

.......etc... Starting development server at Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.

=> This code runs the server using the manage.py file. Usually the port would be for Django projects.

  1. Open web browser window and go to - we should be able to see django default web page which says "The install worked successfully! Congratulations!"

[You may need to stop server with <ctrl + c> before the next step] 8) python manage.py startapp bloggers_adda

=> This creates a new App inside the project that we just created. A project can have multiple Apps running. Hence this step.

Steps to modify files created by django

  1. views.py ==>>

Add code :

from django.http import HttpResponse

def home(request):
    return HttpResponse('<h1>Bloggers Adda Home Page</h1>')
  1. Create urls.py file in bloggers_adda (app folder) and add code :
from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.home, name='bloggers_adda_home'),
  1. bloggers_adda_project/urls.py ==>>

Modify line :

from django.urls import path


from django.urls import path, include

and to the urlpatterns list, add another line :

path('bloggers_adda/', include('bloggers_adda.urls')),
  1. python manage.py runserver

=> To run the server again after all the file modifications.

  1. Browsing would now give a 404 page not found error since it does not match any url pattern that we created. Hence, we may have to try :


Adding another route (About page for example)

  1. Modify views.py file in bloggers_adda ==>>

Add code :

def about(request):
    return HttpResponse('<h1>Bloggers Adda About Page</h1>')
  1. Modify urls.py file in bloggers_adda ==>>

Add line to urlpatterns list :

path('about/', views.about, name='bloggers_adda_about'),

Creating templates

  1. Inside the bloggers_adda (app folder), create a folder by name 'templates'.

  2. Create home.html, about.html, layout.html etc... and add the requied html codes.

  3. bloggers_adda/apps.py ==>>

Copy class name : 'BloggersAddaConfig'

  1. bloggers_adda_project/settings.py ==>>

Add line on top of the INSTALLED_APPS list

  1. bloggers_adda/views.py ==>>

Instead of return HttpRequest line, code :

return render(request, 'bloggers_adda/home.html')

Added Bootstrap code

Created 'static/bloggers_adda/' folder & Added main.css file

Modified templates by adding more code

Added base.html to contain all the common html code that would have otherwise been on all templates

used code snippets for urls instead of hard coding them... for example :

{% load static %} # => has been used on base.html even before <!DOCTYPE html> which is to be noted in Django

Also used :

{% static 'bloggers_adda/main.css' %}  # => for stylesheet href

{% url 'bloggers_adda_home' %} # => for href link to home page instead of hardcoding /home/
{% url 'bloggers_adda_home' %} # => for href link to about page instead of hardcoding /about/