
This repository is for demonstrating the capability to do SQL-based UPDATES, DELETES, and INSERTS directly in the Data Lake using Amazon S3, AWS Glue and Delta Lake.

Primary LanguagePython

How to do UPSERTS, DELETES and INSERTS into your Data Lake

This repository is for demonstrating the capability to do SQL-based UPDATES, DELETES, and INSERTS directly in the Data Lake using Amazon S3, AWS Glue and Delta Lake.

Architecture Diagram



Generates the schema for the Delta Table


This code takes a Delta Lake table and does an UPSERT operation using Spark SQL.


This code takes a Delta Lake table and does a DELETE operation using Spark SQL.


This code takes a Delta Lake table and does an INSERT operation using Spark SQL.

Full documentation of functions can be found here and a more detailed one with examples can be found here