
A concourse resource to check for new merge requests on GitLab

Primary LanguageGo

GitLab Merge Request Concourse Resource

A concourse resource to check for new merge requests on GitLab and update the merge request status.

Source Configuration

- name: merge-request
  type: docker-image
    repository: suwash/gitlab-merge-request-resource

- name: merge-request
  type: merge-request
    uri: https://gitlab.com/myname/myproject.git
    private_token: XXX
  • uri: (required) The location of the repository (required)
  • private_token: (required) Your GitLab user's private token (required, can be found in your profile settings)
  • insecure: When set to true, SSL verification is turned off
  • skip_work_in_progress: When set to true, merge requests mark as work in progress (WIP) will be skipped. Default false
  • skip_not_mergeable: When set to true, merge requests not marked as mergeable will be skipped. Default false
  • skip_trigger_comment: When set to true, the resource will not look up for [trigger ci] merge request comments to manually trigger builds. Default false
  • concourse_url: When set, this url will be used to override ATC_EXTERNAL_URL during commit status updates. No set default.
  • pipeline_name(string): When set, this url will be used to override BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME during commit status updates.
  • labels(string[]): Filter merge requests by label[]
  • target_branch(string): Filter merge requests by target_branch. Default is empty string.


check: Check for new merge requests

Checks if there are new merge requests or merge requests with new commits.

in: Clone merge request source branch

git clones the source branch of the respective merge request.

out: Update a merge request's merge status

Updates the merge request's merge_status which displays nicely in the GitLab UI and allows to only merge changes if they pass the test.


  • repository: The path of the repository of the merge request's source branch (required)
  • status: The new status of the merge request (required, can be either pending, running, success, failed, or canceled)
  • labels(string[]): The labels you want add to your merge request
  • comment: Add a comment for MR. Could be an object with text/file fields. If just the file or text is specified it is used to populate the field, if both file and text are specified then the file is substituted in to replace $FILE_CONTENT in the text.


- name: sample-merge-request
  - get: merge-request
    trigger: true
  - put: merge-request
      repository: merge-request
      status: running
  - task: unit-test
    file: merge-request/ci/tasks/unit-test.yml
    put: merge-request
      repository: merge-request
      status: failed
    put: merge-request
      repository: merge-request
      status: success
      labels: ['unit-test', 'stage']
        file: out/commt.txt
        text: |
          Add new comment.