
Side-scrolling python game.

Primary LanguagePython



A Pygame powered game.

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Key Features
  3. Project Overview
  4. Arcshooter1 Setup
  5. Controls
  6. Future Implementations
  7. Contact

About The Project

ArcShooter1 lets players control a spaceship. The main objective of the game is to survive by not colliding with obstacles for as long as possible. More features such as the ability to shoot down enemy ships and enemy ships firing back at the player are currently a work in progress. Further game loops are also planned for future implementations. Launch executable is coming soon too! For now, to test the game in its current state please follow the steps in the setup section. Updates coming soon! Feedback is much appreciated!

Key Features

  • Players can boost the spaceship vertically to avoid obstacles
  • Players can hold elevation and shoot at targets (WIP)
  • Players only have a limited amount of boost and need to let go of controls to charge it back up (WIP)
  • Distance travelled by players is printed on screen and high score is saved
  • Game can be restarted when finished

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Project Overview

ArcShooter is built entirely with python using the pygame library. It uses pickle to save the recorded highscores to a file.

Technologies/Frameworks Used

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Arcshooter1 Setup

  1. Clone the repository from ArcShooter1 repository.

  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install pygame
  3. From the application's root folder, in a terminal, launch the main1.py file using python:


    python main1.py

    MacOS / Linux:

    python3 main1.py


  • When launched and in the main game screen, hit 'Enter' to start a new game.

  • Hit 'Space' to boost up and 'x' to hold elevation / hover. Hit 'r' to restart while in game.

  • Avoid buildings and other ships for as long as you can to set a new high score!

(More features to be implemented soon)

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Future Implementations

  • Ability for the player to shoot their main and secondary weapons.

  • Boost meter running out causes the ship to not boost or hover.


Suwanshree Acharya - GitHub

Project Repo Link: https://github.com/suwanshree/ArcShooter1/wiki

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