

DWPLLC_Client is the main frontend repo for Dark Water Privateers LLC's application.

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Feature List

  • Public: All users can access the Home page and learn about the organization
  • Private: Logged in users can also access the Members page and...
    • add ships to their profile, view / edit / delete them
    • view other mebers's profile with their added ships

Technologies Used

  • Vite
  • Chakra UI
  • React
  • Zustand

Development Environment Setup

  1. Clone this repo.

    •    `https://github.com/suwanshree/dwpllc_client`
  2. Install required dependencies from the root directory (client)

    •    `npm install`
  3. Start the services in the client directory, which should open the project in your default browser. If not, navigate to Vite Default Localhost.

    •   npm run dev