
Galactic Outpost is a text-based adventure game set in a space station. Players assume the role of a crew member tasked with managing the station and solving various challenges. The game is developed using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, providing an immersive and interactive experience.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Galactic Outpost: Space Adventure Game


Galactic Outpost is a text-based adventure game set in a space station. Players assume the role of a crew member tasked with managing the station and solving various challenges. The game is developed using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, providing an immersive and interactive experience.


  • Explore different areas of the space station.
  • Complete a series of missions to ensure the smooth operation of the station.
  • Interact with objects and crew members through a variety of commands.


Players can use the following commands to interact within the game:

  • inspect [object]: Look closely at an object.
  • talk [person]: Communicate with a crew member.
  • repair [object]: Fix a malfunctioning object.
  • navigate [location]: Move to different areas of the station.
  • use [object]: Utilize an item.
  • read [object]: Look at documents or screens.
  • activate [system]: Turn on a machine or system.
  • collect [item]: Gather items.
  • enter [location]: Go into a room or space.
  • eat [item]: Consume food.

Objects, items and system

  • Console: Interact with the station's main control system.
  • Engine: Check the condition of the station's engine.
  • Datapad: A device containing mission updates and logs.
  • Airlock: Entry and exit point for spacewalks.
  • Food Supply: Source of nutrition for the crew.
  • Space Snacks: Quick and tasty treats for energy.
  • Astronaut Ice Cream: A special dessert for space travelers.
  • Protein Bar: A compact and nutritious snack.
  • Communication System: Key for contacting Earth and receiving instructions.
  • Emergency Kit: Contains vital supplies for critical situations.
  • Antenna: An external device essential for long-range communications.
  • Toolkit: A set of tools for various repair tasks.
  • Crewmate: Your colleagues aboard the station, a source of information and assistance.


  • Central Hub: The heart of the space station.
  • Airlock: Entry and exit point for spacewalks.
  • Quarters: Resting area for the crew.
  • Engine Room: Location of the station's main engine.


To progress through the game, players must complete the following missions:

  1. Talk with Crewmates: Gather information and tasks from fellow crew members.
  2. Fix Engine: Repair the station's main engine in the engine room.
  3. Fix External Antenna: Resolve issues with the external antenna located on the spacecraft's back frame.
  4. Restore Communication: Repair the communication system in the central hub.

Design Patterns

The game utilizes the following design patterns:

  • Model-View-Controller (MVC): Separates the game's logic (Model), user interface (View), and control flow (Controller), enhancing maintainability and scalability.
  • Command Pattern: Encapsulates each action as a command object, allowing for flexible command processing and extension.

Installation and Running the Game

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the game repository to your local machine using Git.
git clone https://github.com/suxrobGM/galactic-outpost-game
  1. Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd galactic-outpost-game/src
  1. Compile the Game (if applicable):
javac GameMain.java
  1. Run the Game:
java GameMain
  1. Start Playing: Follow the on-screen instructions to start your adventure in the Galactic Outpost!


Game Screenshot