
🌱 host your own second brain and digital garden for free

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Host your second brain and digital garden for free. Quartz features

  1. Extremely fast natural-language search
  2. Customizable and hackable design based on Hugo
  3. Automatically generated backlinks, link previews, and local graph
  4. Built-in CJK + Latex Support and Admonition-style callouts
  5. Support for both Markdown Links and Wikilinks

Check out some of the amazing gardens that community members have published with Quartz!

“[One] who works with the door open gets all kinds of interruptions, but [they] also occasionally gets clues as to what the world is and what might be important.” — Richard Hamming

🔗 Get Started: https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/

Quartz Example ScreenshotQuartz Example Screenshot

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網站發布到github pages或cloudflare pages差異

發布到github pages照上面Get Started說明網站發布

發布到cloudflare pages參考 這篇設定


  1. 生產分支:master
  2. 框架 Hugo
  3. 建構命令 none,留空不寫
  4. 根目錄也是留空不寫
  5. 環境變數(進階):變數名稱填HUGO_VERSION,值填0.92.0

auto add the title (yaml) to all existing pages without one

目前有人試做,需手動修改YAML屈,我目前尚未測試部屬 Quartz 中的邊欄