
Building the main interface of iOS native `Photos` app using two `UICollectionViews`

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

What to learn

🎓 UICollectionView is extremely flexible in building customized content thanks to its powerful UICollectionViewFlowLayout. We are using it to build the main interface of the native iOS Photosapp.

Check out the Photos native app on iOS, you will find out the main interface is composed of two horizontal scroll views. The bigger one displays the full resolution copies while the smaller displays the thumbnails. The scrolling motion on either one of them is reflected on the other. Look closer as you scroll the photos, the bigger scroll view renders the photo with parallax effect, and the same image also presents the accordion animation effect in the smaller scroll view.

What to build

👷 In this lab, we will build the main interface of Photos using two UICollectionViews. To be more specific, we will customize the UICollectionViewFlowLayout associated with each UICollectionView to decide the size and center of the items that are visible on the screen. The changes on these attributes create the parallax and accordion animation.

How to learn

🔬 This GitHub Page explains the details of the lab.
