Primary LanguagePython


Working project of Clash which is a technical MCQ based event in Credenz organised by PICT IEEE Student Branch

Steps to run project:

  • To install pip: (Ubuntu)
$ sudo apt install python3-pip
  • Follow this link for installation of pip in windows
  • To install virtualenv:
$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv
  • To start virtualenv:
$ virtualenv venv


  • In windows to make a venv:
$ py -m venv venv
  • To activate virtualenv:
source venv/bin/activate


$ venv\Scripts\activate
  • To deactivate virtualenv:
$ deactivate
  • To install requirements and run project:
    1. Activate virtualenv
    2. To install dependencies required pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    3. Run python manage.py makemigrations
    4. Run python manage.py migrate to make migrations
    5. Add a few questions in the database to see functioning
    6. To run clash python manage.py runserver
    7. Enjoy!

Technology Used:

  • Front end:

    1. HTML5
    2. CSS3
    3. Javascript and AJAX
  • Back end:

    1. Django 3.1.0 (Python web framework)
  • Database used:

    1. SQLite3

Modules Used:

  • User authentication
  • Timer
  • Conditional controlling of HTML elements
  • Tab change handling (to prohibit copy)
  • 8 lifelines were applied as follows :
   1. Reattempting a question
   2. -5 from the total score 
   3. Freezing time
   4. -8 +4 marking scheme for the questions
   5. No negative marking for next 3 Questions
   6. No spin here after
   7. +16 -10 marking scheme for the current question
   8. And last one was get assured which allows user to mark 2 answers for same question if he is not sure about it.

Snippets of the project:

1. Login page


2. Instruction page


3. Questions page


4. Predict Score page


5. Result Page
