
Rabbitmq Library

Primary LanguageGo


This is basic rabbitmq library, which pushed data directly to queue or to an exchange. It makes use of a singleton type connection, i.e once connection got established, same connection handler will be used for the lifetime of the app to publish messages to queue.

How to use

  • Install it using go get github.com/suyash95/Queuelib

  • Import library as import ( "queuelib" ).

  • Define config of the queue to be connected as below:

    config := queuelib.Config{
    	Username:     "guest",
    	Password:     "guest",
    	Host:         "localhost",
    	Vhost:        "/",
    	Queuename:    "test",
    	Exchange:     "",
    	ExchangeType: "fanout",
    	Routingkey:   "test",

    if data is being pushed to exchange, no need to pass queuename.

  • Initialize to eastablish the connection:

    initErr := queuelib.Init(&config)
    if initErr != nil {
    	return initErr
  • get the connection handler as queuelib.Conn.

  • Publish message to queue:

    publishError := queue.Publish(config, data)
    if publishError != nil {
    	return publishError