
Starter codebase for BME590 Databases Assignment

Primary LanguagePython


Starter codebase for BME590 Databases Assignment (which can be found here).

To get started with this sample code, you first need to get the mongodb program running. To do this, simply run

docker run -v $PWD/db:/data/db -p 27017:27017 mongo

either on your local machine (if you have docker installed there) or on a virtual machine you have access to where you can first install docker.

👀 if you are running your mongodb database on a virtual machine, you need to replace the connect URI string in main.py. Replace localhost with a VM address, like so:

connect("mongodb://vcm-0000.vm.duke.edu:27017/heart_rate_app") # open up connection to db

once your database is running and your connection string is set, you can run the starter program by running main.py after activating your virtualenv and installing all the dependencies listed in requirements.txt.

python main.py

The Assignment + Hints

This starter code is not a flask server like you need to build in your assignment--main.py is an example module that contains several useful functions for creating a User (create_user) and updating a User with a new heart rate and heart rate timestamp (add_heart_rate).

models.User is a data model that represents the entity we want to store and retreive from the database. You can see that User is just a python class with some properties.

👀 When writing the POST /api/heart_rate endpoint, you need to first check if the user with the given email already exists in the database. If so, then you can use add_heart_rate to append a heart rate measurement to that user. If not, then you would want to create_user. I did not explicitly show you how to check if a user already exists in the database, but this is something you should be able to figure out based on the sample code + google + office hours!