
Jenkins container with SSL and docker

Primary LanguageShell

Jenkins SSL + Docker

A Jenkins docker configuration that includes SSL out of the box as well as support for running Docker container builds within Jenkins. I find the latter very useful as I tend to run all of my Jenkins jobs and builds using docker containers to best handle dependency management and reproducibility. The default SSL certificates are self-signed and generated at build time, but can be overridden with your own using Docker volumes.

To run (with self-signed SSL certificates):

docker run -p 443:4430 -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home suyashkumar/jenkins-ssl-docker

To run WITH the ability to have Jenkins build Docker containers within itself:

docker run -p 443:4430 -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock suyashkumar/jenkins-ssl-docker

To run with your own certificates:

docker run -p 443:4430 -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v YOUR_PRIV_KEY_FILE:/var/lib/jenkins/pk -v YOUR_CERT:/var/lib/jenkins/cert suyashkumar/jenkins-ssl-docker

A sample Jenkinsfile you can have in your target repository to initiate a docker build based on its Dockerfile looks something like this:

pipeline {
     agent { dockerfile true }
      stages {
          stage('Test') {
              steps {
		            // any additional steps you may want can be here.