
Simple OpenSCAD text library (with opt. pedestals for vertical and sheer text)

Primary LanguageOpenSCAD


Simple OpenSCAD library to add 3D text (with optional pedestal to print vertical or sheer text) to OpenSCAD models.


You must place place the scad_text.scad file in your current path and import it (using import <scad_text.scad>).

The following function is exposed: writeText(x, y, z, textIn, depth=4, size=5). This function draws the textIn string at the (x,y,z) coordinates with a depth of 4 units and at the specified size. Sample code is in example.scad and is copied below. A writeTextWithPedestal legacy function is exposed as well, which creates a pedestal/support under text at a fixed size.

include <scad_text.scad>
translate([0,6,0])cube(10, center=true);
writeTextWithPedestal(0,0,0, "SK");

