
Starter project for Suzaku framework.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Suzaku starter

A starter project for using the Suzaku framework.

Note Suzaku is still in experimental phase and this starter project is also very much Work In Progress!

Getting started

First of all make sure you have the necessary tools installed. You'll need the following:

Next it's time to publish a local version of the Suzaku framework since it's currently not available in public repositories.

  1. git clone https://github.com/suzaku-io/suzaku.git
  2. cd suzaku
  3. sbt publishLocal
  4. cd ..

Now you're ready to download and start using the starter project:

  1. git clone https://github.com/suzaku-io/suzaku-starter.git
  2. cd suzaku-starter
  3. sbt
  4. > ~reStart
  5. Open browser at http://localhost:12121.

By using the ~reStart command, sbt will automatically recompile your code and restart the server when you make changes.

What next?

You can start experimenting with your Suzaku app by making changes to the StarterApp.scala file in the client project. All the other files are mainly just necessary boilerplate to get the application up and running.