
Prototype for using Terraform for TDR project

Primary LanguageHCL

Transfer Digital Records Terraform


Prototype project to outline a possible structure for Terraform to provision AWS resources for the Transfer of Digital Recordss (TDR) project

Terraform Structure

The prototype is divided into separate Terraform modules that represent the different AWS resources that are needed to for the TDR project. Not all resources are covered as the prototype provides the overall structure.

The modules are:

  • cognito: provisions two skelton user groups and relevant App Clients
  • stepfunction: provisions a skeleton step function that uses information (vpc id) from the vpc module
  • vpc: provisions a skeleton vpc that exposes its id to other modules

The different modules are used by the stateful terraform scripts which represent two AWS environments:

  • development
  • test

Getting Started

Install Terraform locally

See: https://learn.hashicorp.com/terraform/getting-started/install.html

Install AWS CLI Locally

See instructions here to install local instance of Terraform: https://learn.hashicorp.com/terraform/getting-started/install.html

Install Terraform Plugins on Intellij

HCL Language Support: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7808-hashicorp-terraform--hcl-language-support

Running Prototype Project

  1. Clone the prototype project to local machine: https://github.com/nationalarchives/tdr-prototype-terraform

  2. Add your AWS credentials to local credential store.

  3. Log into the AWS management console: https://eu-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/console/home?region=eu-west-2#

    Check that the Terraform state resources are up and running:

    NOTE: if either of these resources are missing, they will need to be re-created manually using the AWS console.

  4. Open command terminal on your local machine

  5. In the command terminal navigate to the folder where the project has been cloned to

  6. In the command terminal navigate to the “development” Terraform enviroment folder within the project: /stateful/development

  7. Once in the correct directory in the command terminal run the following command: $ terraform init

    • This will initiate terraform locally.
  8. When Terraform has initiated run the following command: $ terraform apply

    • This will generate what Terraform will create and provide and outline of this in the command terminal
  9. To create the AWS resources type “yes” when prompted in the command terminal

  10. Terraform will create the AWS resources.

    Once complete go to the AWS Management Console and check that the following AWS resources have been created:

    • Cognito User Pools: tdr-prototype-dev
    • Step Functions: tdr-prototype-dev-stepfunc1
    • VPC: tdr-prototype-cloud-dev-vpc1
  11. Destroy the AWS resources by running the following command: $ terraform destroy

    • This will generate what Terraform will destroy and provide an outline of this in the command terminal
  12. To destroy the AWS resources type “yes” when prompted

  13. Terraform will destroy the AWS resources.

    • Once complete go to the AWS console and check that the AWS resources no longer exist.

    NOTE: this may take a few minutes to complete.


Further Information