
Sample scripts of Processing.

Primary LanguageProcessing

#ProcessingStudy This project is to learn Processing, a programming language and environment that is aimed to create visualization with quite low effort. Demo videos available below.

Twit Cloud Logcare

Project displayed in Logcafe, in Waseda, Tokyo on March 17th 2009. Tweets associated configured term "Waseda", "Tokyo" etc. were displayed on the wall o the cafe in realtime. This uses Twitter streaming API and displays tweets from them in Processing.


Twittering Floor

Project used in iii Exibition of the University of Tokyo in December 2008 by @suztomo and @sokamura. This system draws white 2x3m area in a dark room, where messages on the floor interactively follow people in the area.



"Pong game" with Processing developed by @suztomo and @sokamura. Two players in front of the screen try to push the ball toward opponent's side. The location of the iphones were detected by OpenCV and it uses audio recognition by Julius.
