
Getting Started with tfaction.

In this getting started, you create a repository from the template repository and set up tfaction and manage GitHub Issue Label with Terraform.

You would know how to set up tfaction and how tfaction works.

⚠️ This repository was archived

Getting Started was merged to tfaction-example and README was moved to the official document.


Set up.

  1. Create a repository from this template repository
  2. Create required resources with Terraform
  3. Create Personal Access Token
  4. Fix the template and tfaction-root.yaml

Let's tfaction.

  1. Scaffold a working directory
  2. Create a pull request

Create required resources with Terraform

Create the following resources.

  • IAM OpenID Connect provider
  • S3 Buckets
  • IAM Roles
$ cd aws/github-terraform-ci
$ vi # Change local values
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

After this getting started, clean up resources.

$ terraform destroy

Create Personal Access Token

We recommend using GitHub App instead of Personal Access Token, but in this getting started let's use a personal access token. Create a Personal Access Token and set it as GitHub Actions Secret.


Required permission:

Fix the template and tfaction-root.yaml

$ vi tfaction-root.yaml
$ vi templates/github/
$ git add tfaction-root.yaml templates/github
$ git checkout -b update-template
$ git commit -m "update template"
$ git push origin update-template
$ gh pr create -t "update template" -b "update template"

Please merge the pull request.

Scaffold a working directory

Please run GitHub Actions Workflow scaffold-working-directory.

$ gh workflow run scaffold-working-directory.yaml -f target=github/foo

Then a pull request would be created.

Please merge the pull request.

Create a pull request

The working directory github/foo was created. Let's add an issue request label with Terraform.

$ git fetch origin main
$ git checkout -b add-issue-label origin/main
$ vi github/foo/

resource "github_issue_label" "bar" {
  repository  = "tfaction-getting-started" # CHANGE
  name        = "bar"
  color       = "FF0000"
  description = "bar"
$ git add github/foo/
$ git commit -m "add an issue label"
$ git push origin add-issue-label
$ gh pr create -t "add an issue label" -b "add an issue label"


Please confirm the result of terraform plan and merge the pull request. Then terraform apply would be run in the main branch.
