Tools used in the HWW Offshell analysis.
source /cvmfs/ #Required on CMSLPC
cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_19_patch2
cd CMSSW_10_6_19_patch2/src
git clone
cd HWWOffshellTools
pip install -r requirements.txt --user
To modify input and output files, the config
directory holds a dataset_config.txt
which stores settings for each dataset including the list of files for each sample and their EOS paths.
The mergining procedure has been condensed into one script called
which will compute the merging, loss compensation, and renormalization weights described in AN2021-149
The script can be run using,
cd merging-procedure
Histograms after each step in the procedure will be stored in output_preprocessing.root
, 2d plots will be stored in output_preprocessing.pdf
, and all computed weights will be stored in output_preprocessing.json
to be used in the Latinos Module.