
Analysis of VBF Higgs

Primary LanguagePython


Analysis of VBF Higgs

First of all, let's start building the programming enviroment. The next part explain the instructions to execute the code.

First, log in gridui:

ssh -Y ***@gridui.ifca.es -o ServerAliveInterval=240

Set CMS enviroment for the first time:

bash -l

source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmsset_default.sh

export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc700

cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_4_patch1

Enter CMS eviroment on gridui:

bash -l

source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmsset_default.sh

cd CMSSW_10_6_4_patch1/src


Compile code:

scram b -j 8

Get some code from gitHub:

git clone https://github.com/BlancoFS/...

Change condor scehduler if it's not running properly:

export _condor_SCHEDD_HOST="bigbird02.cern.ch"

Run code:

It should be done a Run.sh script to submit jobs in Slurm, the old way is for condor.

sbatch -o logfile.log -e errofile.err --qos=gridui_sort --partition=cloudcms Run.sh

Run and make plots with LatinoAnalysis tools:

mkShapesMulti.py --pycfg=configuration.py --doBatch=1 --batchSplit=Samples,Files --batchQueue=testmatch

mkShapesMulti.py --pycfg=configuration.py --doHadd=1 --batchSplit=Samples,Files --doNotCleanup --nThreads=8

mkPlot.py --pycfg=configuration.py --inputFile=rootFile/plots_WW_2016.root --minLogC=0.01 --minLogCratio=0.01 --maxLogC=1000 --maxLogCratio=1000 --showIntegralLegend=1

Plot_Sig_Bkg.py --pycfg=configuration.py --inputFile=rootFile/plots_WW_2016.root

Useful tools

How to copy files from cloud server to computer, some ways:

scp aaa@server.com:folder/file  local/directory
rsync -av aaa@server.com:folder/file  local/directory

Make datacards and combine

The datacards should be made in your work directory. Then, the datacard.txt has to be copied to the combine datacards folder.

mkDatacards.py --pycfg=configuration.py --inputFile=rootFile/plots_WW_2016.root

Now, in the combine folder after coping the datacard:

pushd datacards

combineCards.py VBF/events/datacard.txt DY/events/datacard.txt top/events/datacard.txt ggF/events/datacard.txt WW/events/datacard.txt > datacard_combined.txt

text2workspace.py datacard_combined.txt -m 125

text2workspace.py datacard_combined.txt -m 125 -P HiggsAnalysis.CombinedLimit.PhysicsModel:multiSignalModel --PO 'map=.*/qqH_hww:r_qqH_hww[1,-10,10]' --PO 'map=.*/ggH_hww:r_ggH_hww[1,-10,10]'


Impact plots (Asimov dataset)

combineTool.py -M Impacts -d datacards/datacard_combined.root -m 125 -t -1 --rMin=-6 --rMax=10 --X-rtd MINIMIZER_analytic --cminDefaultMinimizerStrategy=0 --setParameters r_ggH_hww=1,r_qqH_hww=1 --redefineSignalPOIs r_qqH_hww --doInitialFit 

combineTool.py -M Impacts -d datacards/datacard_combined.root -m 125 -t -1 --rMin=-6 --rMax=10 --X-rtd MINIMIZER_analytic --cminDefaultMinimizerStrategy=0 --setParameters r_ggH_hww=1,r_qqH_hww=1 --redefineSignalPOIs r_qqH_hww --doFits --job-mode=interactive --parallel=10

combineTool.py -M Impacts -d datacards/datacard_combined.root -m 125 -t -1 --rMin=-6 --rMax=10 --X-rtd MINIMIZER_analytic --cminDefaultMinimizerStrategy=0 --setParameters r_ggH_hww=1,r_qqH_hww=1 --redefineSignalPOIs r_qqH_hww -o impacts.json

plotImpacts.py -i impacts.json -o impacts

Compute significance

combine -M Significance --expectSignal=1 -t -1 -m 125 datacards/datacard_combined.txt