

  1. Make input TTrees for BDT training with TMVA.

    either you can make it interactively

    cd training/input

    or submit to condor.

    cd training/input
    condor_submit submit_make_trees.sub

    Note: This will work on lxplus, make appropriate changes in python script to make it work.

  2. Training

    train_bdt.py is the main training script. --max_N is the number of entries to use for training set and testing set, i.e. max_N / 2 number of entries will be used for train_signal, train_background, test_signal and test_background. In case the TTrees for signal or background has less number of entries than max_N, then that number will be used.

    running the training interactively, the argument is eta_bin, open run_train_bdt.sh and change the in_dir.

    cd training
    ./run_train_bdt.sh Eta0p0To2p5

    or submit condor jobs

    cd training
    condor_submit submit_train_bdt.sub