A library to conduct ranking experiments with transformers.
The following will clone the repo, install a virtual env and install the library with the requirements.
#Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Guzpenha/transformer_rankers.git
cd transformer_rankers
#Optionally use a virtual enviroment
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
#Optionally use a virtual enviroment
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements.txt
The following example uses BERT for the task of conversation response ranking using MANtIS corpus. We can download the data as follows:
from transformer_rankers.datasets import downloader
#Download the data with DataDownloader
data_folder = "data"
dataDownloader = downloader.DataDownloader("mantis", data_folder)
And train BERT for pointwise learning to rank with randomly sampled negative samples:
from transformer_rankers.trainers import transformer_trainer
from transformer_rankers.datasets import dataset, preprocess_crr
from transformer_rankers.negative_samplers import negative_sampling
from transformer_rankers.eval import results_analyses_tools
#Load the dataset
task = "mantis"
train = pd.read_csv(data_folder+task+"/train.tsv", sep="\t")
valid = pd.read_csv(data_folder+task+"/valid.tsv", sep="\t")
#Instantiate random negative samplers (1 for training 9 negative candidates for test)
# the library also supports BM25 and sentenceBERT negative samplers.
ns_train = negative_sampling.RandomNegativeSampler(list(train["response"].values), 1)
ns_val = negative_sampling.RandomNegativeSampler(list(valid["response"].values) + \
list(train["response"].values), 9)
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-cased')
special_tokens_dict = {'additional_special_tokens': ['[UTTERANCE_SEP]', '[TURN_SEP]'] }
#Create the loaders for the datasets, with the respective negative samplers
dataloader = dataset.QueryDocumentDataLoader(train_df=train, val_df=valid, test_df=valid,
tokenizer=tokenizer, negative_sampler_train=ns_train,
negative_sampler_val=ns_val, task_type='classification',
train_batch_size=32, val_batch_size=32, max_seq_len=512,
sample_data=-1, "data/mantis")
train_loader, val_loader, test_loader = dataloader.get_pytorch_dataloaders()
model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('bert-base-cased')
# we added [UTTERANCE_SEP] and [TURN_SEP] to the vocabulary so we need to resize the token embeddings
#Instantiate trainer that handles fitting.
trainer = transformer_trainer.TransformerTrainer(model=model,train_loader=train_loader,
val_loader=val_loader, test_loader=test_loader,
num_ns_eval=9, task_type="classification", tokenizer=tokenizer,
validate_every_epoch=1, num_validation_batches=-1,
num_epochs=1, lr=0.0005, sacred_ex=None)
#Train the model
logging.info("Fitting BERT-ranker for MANtIS")
#Predict for test (in our example the validation set)
preds, labels, _ = trainer.test()
res = results_analyses_tools.\
evaluate_and_aggregate(preds, labels, ['ndcg_cut_10'])
for metric, v in res.items():
logging.info("Test {} : {:4f}".format(metric, v))
The output will look like this:
2020-06-23 11:19:44,522 [INFO] Epoch 1 val nDCG@10: 0.245
2020-06-23 11:19:44,522 [INFO] Predicting
2020-06-23 11:19:44,523 [INFO] Starting evaluation on test.
2020-06-23 11:20:03,678 [INFO] Test ndcg_cut_10: 0.3236
If you login to wandb, the trainer will handle logging loss and validation metrics to it.
Fine-tune different transformers for a dataset in pandas DataFrame format.
Fine-tune BERT-ranker for ranking clarifying questions to queries (RQ2 of ClariQ challenge).
Stores processors for specific datasets as well as code to generate pytorch datasets To download the datasets use scripts/download_<task>_data.sh. Currently implemented processors:
- conversation response ranking: MANtIS, MSDialog and Ubuntu v2 from DSTC8.
- similar question retrieval: Quora Question Pairs and LinkSO
- passage retrieval: TREC 2020 Passage Ranking.
- clarifying question retrieval: ClariQ.
Note that since we choose the negative sampling on the go, we do not read the negative samples from the datasets, only the relevant query-document combinations. Example extracted from TREC 2020 Passage Retrieval, in the format expected for QueryDocumentDataset:
Query | Relevant Document |
why do my eyes water | Watering eyes occur if too many tears are produced [...] |
why do many substances dissolve in water, but others do not? | Quick Answer. Substances that have ionic molecules [...] |
Currently there is support to query for negative samples using the following approaches:
- Random: Selects a random document.
- BM25: Uses pyserini to do the retrieval with BM25. Requires anserini installation, follow the Getting Started section of their README.
- sentenceBERT: Uses sentence embeddings to calculate dense representations of the query and candidates, and faiss is used to do fast retrieval, i.e. dense similarity computation.
See negative_sampling.py for an example of the negative samplers.
Uses trec_eval through pytrec_eval library to support most IR evaluation metrics, such as NDCG, MAP, MRR, etc. Additional metrics are implemented here, such as Recall_with_n_candidates@K.
Transformer trainer supports encoder-only transformers, e.g. BERT, and also encoder-decoder transformers, e.g. T5, from the huggingface transformers library, see their pre-trained models.
This is the module where you can find different neural ranker implementations. Currently there is suppport for pairwise learning using BERT. See pairwise_bert_ranker.py.
All results consider the problem of re-ranking from a list of 9 negative samples (using BM25) and the relevant document.
TREC-DL-PR 2020 | |
BERT-ranker | 0.715 |
MANtIS | MSDialog | Ubuntu DSTC8-task1 | |
BERT-ranker | 0.683 | 0.671 | 0.859 |
T5-ranker | 0.616 | 0.650 | 0.826 |
Quora | LinkSO | |
BERT-ranker | 0.536 | 0.658 |
T5-ranker | 0.578 | 0.389 |