
Script to query the server schema to obtain the necessary information about unions and interfaces and write it to a file.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Graphql Get Fragment Types

Get fragment types from GraphQL schema.

Script to query the server schema to obtain the necessary information about unions and interfaces and write it to a file. As per the guide https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/advanced/fragments.html#fragment-matcher


  • Accepts a custom URL to the API endpoint
  • Accepts a custom JWT token as input
  • Accepts a custom path to output
  • Reads .env files

Download & Installation

$ yarn add -D graphql-getfragmenttypes
# or
$ npm install --save-dev graphql-getfragmenttypes


# output help
$ node ./index.js --help

# Set flags for endpoint URL and output path
$ node ./index.js -u http://your.endpoint.url -o ./graphql/fragmentTypes.json

# call with token and in unsafe mode. See below
$ node index.js --unsafe --token AxLTFkODgyZjI2M2VhYyIsImlhdCI6MTU1MDE2NTYyNCwiZXhwIjoxNTUwMTY5Mj

# Call from project with preset path to self signed certificate
$ NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS='/full/path/to/SelfSigned.pem' node node_modules/graphql-getfragmenttypes

Example in a project

1. Install getFragmentTypes.js through yarn/npm

$ yarn add --dev graphql-getfragmenttypes

2. Add Endpoint and Token to the project .env file

APP_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT = 'http://your.endpoint.url'
APP_GRAPHQL_TOKEN = 'yourlongtokenhash'

3. Add as a custom script in your package.json. (Optionally prepended with path to certificate and custom output path.)

  "scripts": {
    "fragments": "NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS='/full/path/to/SelfSigned.pem' node node_modules/graphql-getfragmenttypes -o ./graphql/fragmentTypes.json"

4. Call as script

$ yarn fragments


OptionFlags Alias Default Description
--url -u URL to the API Endpoint. Can also be set in .env file as APP_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT
--output -o ./fragmentTypes.json Full path to output file.
--token -t API endpoint token. Added to headers as "Bearer: {token}". Can be set in .env file as APP_GRAPHQL_TOKEN
--unsafe -z false Warning - unsafe! Ignores if the server certificate failed verification against supplied CAs. Can be useful with private certificates in local environments but please first try extending well known CA with NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS (se example abow)
--version Shows current version
--help Shows help text

