
Scripts/tools for working with various nuclear-related tools and MOAB/iTaps based structured and unstructured meshes.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Scripts/tools for working with various nuclear-related tools and MOAB/iTaps based structured and unstructured meshes.


  • lostparticles/ contains
    • mklostvis.pl which parses MCNP output file to create a CUBIT .jou file for visualizing lost particle locations.
    • lostparts2mesh.py which parses an MCNP output file to create a MOAB mesh file for visualizing lost particle locations.
  • mesh2mcnp/ contains mesh2mcnp.py which creates an MCNP input from a (small) tet mesh.
  • ptracviz/ contains ptracviz.cpp which takes an MCNP ptrac file and converts it to a journal file for visualizing tracks in CUBIT.
  • tetmesh2points/ contains the script tet_vals_and_centroids.py, which loads a MOAB mesh file (e.g. .vtk or .h5m file), calculates the centroid of any tetrahedron elements, and writes the x,y,z plus tally values and errors to a file.