- 981584055
- adam-urbanczyk
- akoenThea Energy
- alexanderianblairUKAEA
- AlguacilJUNED
- AllentroUniversity of Birmingham
- AndrewWritesCode
- connoramorenoUniversity of Wisconsin - Madison
- Edgar-21
- egor1absITER RF DA
- Fortr4n@Galactic-FaaS
- FusionSandwich
- giovanni-marianoENEA
- jvwilliams23
- lewisgross1296University of Wisconsin - Madison
- OliveratorKyoto Fusioneering UK Ltd.
- paulromanoArgonne National Laboratory
- plloaao
- rmchurchPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- shimwellMunich
- sohhaeThea Energy (previously Princeton Stellarators)
- spasmann
- theo-brownUnited Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
- tokamasterPPPL