
Simple NodeJS Wrapper around Google Sheets & Drive API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Google API Wrapper

A simpler way to work with Google Sheets and Google Drive files. 😊

Table of Contents


Simple Wrapper around Google Sheets & Drive APIs. It installs googleapis as dependency. It also allows easy access to underlying googleapis objects.


npm install google-api-wrapper

This will add googleapis as dependency.

Basic Usage

const Google = require('google-api-wrapper');

async function main() {
  const Sheet = Google.getSheet();
  const rows = await Sheet.read('1nZqgw5otHxvg7by-qnYmjkyNdHAPQYgduv7Tbf5aKlw');



If you already have auth object


Or, set credential file followed by token


Or, set them directly from json objects


Or, exchange token provided from OAuth

let token = await Google.exchangeCode(code);

Or, set refresh token


Google Sheets

Reading Sheet

Sheet object maintains an internal sheetId and range.

const Sheet = Google.getSheet();
await Sheet.read(id, range = 'Sheet1');

It two-dimensional array of rows and column values of sheet data. Alternatively, you can set id and range separately.

Sheet.set(id, range)
await Sheet.read();

To assume first column as header and read documents:

await Sheet.readDocs(id, range = 'Sheet1');
await Sheet.readDocs(sheet_name, range, { byName: false, slugify: true });

Returns an array of objects by using first row as field names. "slugify" will convert field names to snake case (eg: "Min. Qty" to "min_qty")

Writing (Appending) to Sheet

const Sheet = Google.getSheet();
Sheet.set(id, range); // range defaults to 'Sheet1', if not provided
await Sheet.clear(); // clears the range / sheet tab
await Sheet.write(row1);
await Sheet.write(row2);
await Sheet.endWrite();

Batches up multiple rows and then appends at once at interval of 500 rows, or when endWrite() is called. You must make a final call to endWrite to complete writing to sheet.

Overwriting to Sheet

const Sheet = Google.getSheet();
const rows = await Sheet.read(sheetId, 'Sheet1');
rows[0][0] = 'Updated!';
await Sheet.overwrite(rows);

Overwrite rows at last set Sheet Id and Range. (set by read operation in previous example)

Creating Sheet

const Sheet = Google.getSheet();
await Sheet.create(name);
await Sheet.write([ 'hello', 'there' ]);
await Sheet.create(name, folderId);

Google Drive

Get File Info by Id

const Drive = Google.getDrive();
const file = Drive.byId(fileId);

It returns a file object with { id, name, mimeType } attributes.

Get File Info by Name

Drive.byName(name, type = null, folderId = null);


const Drive = Google.getDrive();
let file;
file = Drive.byName('My Document');
file = Drive.byName('example.csv', 'type/csv', parentFolderId);
file = Drive.byName('Example', null, parentFolderId);

It returns a file object with { id, name, mimeType } attributes.

List Files in a Folder


Example: to list all files under a folder named "My Folder"

const Drive = Google.getDrive();
const folder = Drive.byName('My Folder');
const files = Drive.list(folder.id);

It returns an array of file objects with { id, name, mimeType } attributes.

Reading File (Raw)

const Drive = Google.getDrive();
await Drive.readFile(id);

Returns string of file content.

Copy File

const Drive = Google.getDrive();
await Drive.copy(fileId, newName);

Move File

const Drive = Google.getDrive();
await Drive.move(fileId, folderId);

Upload File

const Drive = Google.getDrive();
const file = await Drive.create(name, mimeType, body, parentFolderId);

Create Folder

const file = await Drive.create(name, 'folder');

See mime-type mappings below for simplified mime type inputs.

To create a sub-folder under another parent folder, provide null body and parent folder id.

const file = await Drive.create(subFolderName, 'folder', null, parentFolderId);


Mime Type Mappings

Quick mimetype mappings:

Input Mime Type Translated Mime Type
'folder' 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'
'doc' 'application/vnd.google-apps.document'
'document' 'application/vnd.google-apps.document'
'sheet' 'application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet'
'spreadsheet' 'application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet'

Accessing underlying Google API

Drive object holds reference to Google API's drive object as a property 'drive', which you can use to call the methods of Google Drive API.

For example, to list comments on a document named 'My Document', follow below

const Google = require('google-api-wrapper');
const Drive = Google.getDrive();
const file = Drive.byName('My Document');
// Below is call to underlying Google Drive API's method directly
const comments = Drive.drive.comments.list({ fileId: file.id });

Similarly, Google Sheet object is stored as 'sheet' property of wrapper's sheet object. methods on Sheet.sheet can be made as per Google Sheet API.

const Google = require('google-api-wrapper');
const Sheet = Google.getSheet();
// Calls underlying Google Sheet API


To test the package,

  1. Create / download credentails.json file from Google Console.
  2. After OAuth2, capture the token returned in token.json file.
  3. Create .env file with path to these two files as below
# .env file
  1. run npm test