
Dysnomia: A tool for deploying mutable components

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Dysnomia is a tool and plug-in system that can be used to automatically deploy mutable components. It is primarily designed to be used in combination with Disnix for activation and deactivation of services, but it can also be used as a seperate utility.

Mutable components

When deploying software systems, most of its components are static or immutable, such as end-user programs, development tools, and servers. These components can be deployed (apart from their state files) on a read-only filesystem and never change after they have been built.

For example, the Nix package manager, which is used as a basis for local deployment in Disnix, achieves many of its quality attributes from immutability, such as reliable and reproducible deployment. Moreover, each time Nix deploys a new version or variant of a component it is stored next to an older version or variant. After a component has deployed, it is usually sufficient to launch it from the command-line or program launcher menu from the desktop.

However, to fully automate deployment procedures for certain kinds of systems, we also need to deploy components that cannot be managed in such a deployment model, such as databases and source code repositories, because it is too costly to store multiple generations of them next to each other.

Moreover, mutable components may also have to be activated (or deactivated) in so-called containers, such as application servers, managing the resources of an application. These procedures cannot be executed generically, as they are specific to the type of container that is used.

Mutable components are components with the following characteristics:

  • Their state may change imperatively over time.
  • They may have to be activated or deactivated in a container before they can be used. To do this, the state of a container must be modified.
  • The have a physical state and logical representation of the state, which is typically a dump taken at a certain moment in a portable/consistent way.


Installation of Dysnomia is very straight forward by running the standard Autotools build procedure:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

When building from the Git repository, you should run the bootstrap script first:

$ ./bootstrap

The Dysnomia package contains a collection of Dysnomia modules capable of executing the deployment steps for certain types of mutable components. The configure script tries to automatically detect which ones the system is able to support, by looking at the presence of certain command-line utilities and files.

It is also possible to disable certain Dysnomia modules or to tune the configuration parameters. More information on this can be found by running:

$ ./configure --help

Dysnomia modules

To deploy mutable components, Dysnomia uses a plugin system and delegates the reposibility of executing deployment activities for a certain component to Dysnomia modules.

Dysnomia provides the following modules that have no external service dependencies:

  • echo. Mereley echos the parameters and environment variables used during activation or deactivation. Useful for debugging purposes.
  • process starts a process that daemonizes and terminates a process by using its corresponding PID file
  • wrapper delegates the execution of activities to the bin/wrapper executable that is bundled with a component
  • fileset. Deploys a directory on the filesystem that is populated with static/immutable and dynamic/mutable files.

To deploy running processes (e.g. system or application services, such microservices) you Dysnomia offers a number of plugins that use a variety of process managers to manage the lifecycle of a process:

  • bsdrc-script activates or deactivates a BSD rc script.
  • cygrunsrv-service activates or deactivates a Windows service via cygrunsrv
  • docker-container activates or deactivates a Docker container.
  • launchd-daemon activates or deactivates a launchd daemon
  • s6-rc-service activates or deactivates a s6-rc service.
  • supervisord-program activates or deactivates a supervisord program configuration section.
  • systemd-unit activates or deactivates a systemd unit
  • sysvinit-script activates or deactivates a sysvinit script (also known as LSB Init compliant scripts)

Dysnomia will try to autodetect which process managers are available and will automatically install the appropriate plugins.

It is also possible to work with a process manager-agnostic configuration file and target any of the process managers listed above with one single configuration file:

  • managed-process translates a process manager-agnostic JSON configuration to a desired process manament-specific configuration and activates or deactivates the process using a process manager listed above.

The Dysnomia package contains the following application-specific modules, that can be optionally enabled/disabled:

  • apache-webapplication. Deploys a web application in a document root folder of the Apache HTTP server.
  • axis2-webservice. Deploys an Axis2 ARchive (AAR) file inside an Axis2 container.
  • ejabberd-dump. Deploys an Ejabberd configuration database.
  • iis-webapplication. Deploys a web application in a document root folder of the Internet Information Services (IIS) server.
  • mongo-database. Deploys a MongoDB database inside a MongoDB DBMS instance.
  • mssql-database. Deploys a database to a SQL Server DBMS instance.
  • mysql-database. Deploys a database to a MySQL DBMS instance.
  • nginx-webapplication. Deploys a web application in a document root folder of the Nginx web server.
  • influx-database. Deploys a timeseries database to a InfluxDB server instance.
  • nixos-configuration. Deploys a specific NixOS configuration.
  • postgresql-database. Deploys a database to a PostgreSQL DBMS instance.
  • subversion-repository. Deploys Subversion repository dump into a Subversion working directory.
  • tomcat-webapplication. Deploys a Java Web Application ARchive (WAR) file inside an Apache Tomcat servlet container.
  • xinetd-service. Deploys an xinetd service configuration part into a xinetd.d configuration directory.

Additional configuration of for systemd

systemd units deployed by Dysnomia are wanted by the dysnomia.target, if this file exists. However, this target file is not created by default. You need to do this yourself first. The following command typically suffices:

$ cat > /etc/systemd-mutable/system/dysnomia.target <<EOF
Description=Services that are activated and deactivated by Dysnomia

A dysnomia.target file makes it possible to automatically start all Dysnomia deployed services after a reboot.


In order to use Dysnomia to deploy mutable components, we require two kinds of dependencies:

  • A component containing a logical snapshot of the initial state of a mutable component
  • A configuration file capturing properties of the container in which the component must be deployed

Providing a logical state snapshot of the component

The following file could be stored in ~/testdb/mysql-database/createdb.sql representing the logical state of a MySQL database. In this particular case, this file is a collection of SQL statements setting up the initial schema of the database:

create table author
  FirstName  VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
  LastName   VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,

create table books
( ISBN       VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
  Title      VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY(AUTHOR_ID) references author(AUTHOR_ID) on update cascade on delete cascade

The folder ~/testdb represents a logical state dump that we can deploy through a Dysnomia module.

Providing the container configuration

Besides specifying the state of the database, we also need to know to which DBMS instance (a.k.a. container) we have to deploy a component. The container settings are captured in a separate container configuration file, such as ~/mysql-production:


The above file is a very simple textual configuration files consisting of key=value pairs. The type property is the only setting that is mandatory, because it is used to invoke the corresponding Dysnomia module that takes care of the deployment operations for that container. The remaining properties are used by the particular Dysnomia module.

Executing a deployment activity

With those two files, we can perform a deployment activity, such as activating a MySQL database inside a MySQL DBMS instance:

$ dysnomia --operation activate --component ~/testdb --container ~/mysql-production

Every component has its own way of representing its logical state and each of them require different container settings. For databases, these are typically SQL dumps and authentication settings.

Web applications have archive files (WAR/AAR) or a collection of web related files (HTML, CSS etc.) as a representation of their logical state. Consult the actual Dysnomia modules for more information.

Managing snapshots

Dysnomia can also be used to manage snapshots of mutable components. Running the following operation captures the state of a deployed MySQL database:

$ dysnomia --operation snapshot --component ~/testdb --container ~/mysql-production

Restoring the last taken snapshot can be done by running:

$ dysnomia --operation restore --component ~/testdb --container ~/mysql-production

Snapshots taken by Dysnomia are stored in a so-called Dysnomia snapshot store (stored by default in /var/state/dysnomia, but can be changed by setting the DYSNOMIA_STATEDIR environment variable), a special purpose directory that stores multiple generations of snapshots according to some naming convention that uniquely identifies each snapshot.

The following command can be used to query all snapshots taken for the component testdb deployed to the MySQL container.

$ dysnomia-snapshots --query-all --container mysql-database --component testdb

In most cases, only the latest snapshot is useful. The following query only shows the last generation snapshot:

$ dysnomia-snapshots --query-latest --container mysql-production --component testdb

The query operations show the relative paths of the snapshot directories so that their names are consistent among multiple machines. Their absolute paths can be resolved by running:

$ dysnomia-snapshots --resolve mysql-database/testdb/330232eda02b77c3629a4623b498855c168986e0a214ec44f38e7e0447a3f7ef

Every container type follows its own naming convention that uniquely identifies a snapshot. For example, for MySQL databases a snapshot is identified by its output hash, such as 9b0c3562b57dafd00e480c6b3a67d29146179775b67dfff5aa7a138b2699b241.

Using a specific naming convention (e.g. computing an output hash) has all kinds of advantanges. For example, if we take a snapshot twice and they happen to be the same (which is reflected in the output hash), we only have to store the result once.

Not all component types use output hashes as a naming convention. For example, for Subversion repositories the revision number is used. Besides reducing storage redundancy this convention has another advantage -- when restoring a snapshot, we can first check whether the repository is at the right revision. There is no need to restore a snapshot if the revision number equals the revision number of a snapshot.

Checking the integrity of snapshots

In addition to querying the available snapshots, it is also possible to check their integrity to detect whether they have been corrupted or not.

By running a query operation and adding the --check parameter, the integrity of the corresponding snapshots can be checked. For example, the following command checks the integrity of all MySQL database snapshots in the store:

$ dysnomia-snapshots --query-all --check --container mysql-database

Deleting the state of components

Apart from snapshotting and restoring the state of mutable components, it may also be desirable to delete state, such as removing a database.

To remove state, first a component must be deactivated:

$ dysnomia --operation deactivate --component ~/testdb --container ~/mysql-production

The above operation does not delete the database. Instead, it simply marks it as garbage, but otherwise keeps it. Actually deleting the database can be done by invoking the garbage collect operation:

$ dysnomia --operation collect-garbage --component ~/testdb --container ~/mysql-production

The above command first checks whether the database has been marked as garbage. If this is the case (because it has been deactivated) it is dropped. Otherwise, this command does nothing (because we do not want to delete stuff that is actually in use).

Deleting older generations of snapshots

Dysnomia stores multiple generations of snapshots next to each other and also never automatically deletes them. Instead, it must be done explicitly by the user.

Clearing up older generation of snapshots can be done by invoking the garbage collect operation. The following command deletes all but the latest snapshot generation from the Dysnomia snapshots store:

$ dysnomia-snapshots --gc

The amount of snapshots that must be kept can be adjusted by providing the --keep parameter:

$ dysnomia-snapshots --gc --keep 3

The above command states that the last 3 generations of snapshots should be kept.

Spawning a shell session for arbitrary maintenance or debugging tasks

When incidents occur and it is desired to debug or execute arbitrary maintenance tasks, it can be somewhat annoying to manually configure all properties so that we connect to a component deployed to a container.

The Dysnomia shell can be used to spawn a session in which the environment variables are configured to contain the container's configuration properties:

$ dysnomia --shell --component ~/testdb --container ~/mysql-production

In addition to a shell session that contains a container configuration properties, a Dysnomia module also typically displays command-line tool suggestions to the user executing common housekeeping tasks.

Managing collections of containers

Besides executing operations on individual mutable components, we can also manage sets of containers (and their corresponding mutable components) in one go through the dysnomia-containers utility.

Executing operations on collections of containers

The following command shows all the available containers to deploy to:

$ dysnomia-containers --query-containers

The above command searches for container configuration files in the directories provided by the DYSNOMIA_CONTAINERS_PATH environment variable (which defaults to: /etc/dysnomia/containers).

We can also display all the available mutable components:

$ dysnomia-containers --query-available-components

The above command searches for component configuration files in the directories provided by the DYSNOMIA_COMPONENTS_PATH environment variable (which defaults to: /etc/dysnomia/components). Optionally, you can filter the output per container by providing the --container parameter.

The following command shows all components that have been activated in a container:

$ dysnomia-containers --query-activated-components

The most useful operation is probably the deploy function:

$ dysnomia-containers --deploy

The above command will automatically deploy all available mutable components that have not been activated yet, and will undeploy all activated components that are not available anymore. This command automates the deactivation and activation steps of collections of components.

We can also snapshot the state of all activated components:

$ dysnomia-containers --snapshot

and restore the state of them:

$ dysnomia-containers --restore

The following command removes the state of all components that have been marked as garbage:

$ dysnomia-containers --collect-garbage

We can also directly execute any Dysnomia operation on all activated components:

$ dysnomia-containers --operation snapshot

Generating a Nix configuration file of the container configurations

It is also possible to generate a Nix expression capturing the properties of all the container configurations, by running:

$ dysnomia-containers --generate-expr

The above command shows a generated Nix expression that may look as follows:

  properties = {
    "hostname" = "test1";
    "mem" = "1023096";
    "supportedTypes" = [
    "system" = "x86_64-linux";
  containers = {
    mysql-database = {
      "mysqlPassword" = "admin";
      "mysqlPort" = "3306";
      "mysqlUsername" = "root";
    tomcat-webapplication = {
      "tomcatPort" = "8080";

The generated expression is an attribute set exposing two attributes. The containers attribute is composed of all container configuration files in the DYSNOMIA_CONTAINERS_PATH environment variable.

The properties attribute contains non-functional machine-level properties that can be freely chosen. These are takes from the /etc/dysnomia/properties configuration file or the file to which the DYSNOMIA_PROPERTIES environment variable refers.

For example, the above machine properties are generated from the following configuration file:

mem=$(grep 'MemTotal:' /proc/meminfo | sed -e 's/kB//' -e 's/MemTotal://' -e 's/ //g')
supportedTypes=("mysql-database" "process" "tomcat-webapplication")

The Nix expression output generated by dysnomia-containers --generate-expr makes it convenient to integrate Dysnomia with various Nix-driven utilities, such as disnix-capture-infra (part of Disnix) and the Dynamic Disnix Avahi publisher.

User and group management

The Dysnomia toolset also contains utilities to declaratively create users and groups on a variety of operating systems from the same declarative specification.

The following configuration file can be added to a Dysnomia component configuration, to specify that a group needs to be created:

$ mkdir -p mycomponent/dysnomia-support/groups
$ cat > mycomponent/dysnomia-support/mygroup <<EOF

The above specification states that we should create a group named: mygroup with GID: 2000. The gid property is optional.

With the following command the group gets created:

$ dysnomia-addgroups mycomponent

we can delete the group with:

$ dysnomia-delgroups mycomponent

Similarly, we can create users with a user configuration file, such as:

$ mkdir -p mycomponent/dysnomia-support/users
$ cat > mycomponent/dysnomia-support/myuser <<EOF
description="My user"

The above configuration specifies the following properties:

  • The name of the user is: myuser
  • The UID of the user is: 2000 (optional)
  • The password of the user is: secret (optional). Passwords only need to be configured for interactive users. It is also possible to use command substitution (e.g. $(cat /etc/mysecret)) to separate the secrets from the configuration file.
  • The description of the user (optional)
  • The home directory of the user (optional). Default value is /dev/null.
  • Whether the home directory should be created or not (createHomeDir)
  • The shell that the user should use (/bin/sh), optional.

With the following command, we can create the user:

$ dysnomia-addusers mycomponent

and remove it as follows:

$ dysnomia-delusers mycomponent

In some deployment scenarios, you may want to flexibly switch to a deployment in which user accounts get created (for production deployments) and a deployment in which everything runs as an unprivileged user (for testing).

For services that use home directories as state directories, this means that extra work needs to be done, because these are only created when a user is created.

It is also possible to only create a home directory from a user specification:

$ mkdir -p mycomponent/dysnomia-support/users
$ cat > mycomponent/dysnomia-support/myuser <<EOF

and running:

$ dysnomia-addusers mycomponent

In the above example configuration file, the createHomeDirOnly property specifies that only the home directory should be created, but not the user itself.

In most usage scenarios, you never directly use the Dysnomia user management or group management tools -- they are typically indirectly used by a variety of Dysnomia modules. Most notably, the process management modules, e.g. process, managed-process, sysvinit-script, systemd-unit etc. automatically invoke these utilities when the above configurations are included so that any managed executable can conveniently run as an unprivileged user.

NixOS integration

In addition to Disnix, it is also possible to use Dysnomia on NixOS-level to automatically manage mutable components belonging to a system configuration:

{pkgs, ...}:

  # Import the Dysnomia NixOS module to make its functionality available
  imports = [ ./dysnomia-module.nix ];

  services = {
    # Enabling MySQL in the NixOS configuration implies creating a Dysnomia
    # container configuration file for it

    mysql = {
      enable = true;
      package = pkgs.mysql;
      rootPassword = pkgs.writeTextFile {
        name = "mysqlpw";
        text = "verysecret";

    # Enabling PostgreSQL in the NixOS configuration implies creating a
    # Dysnomia container configuration file for it

    postgresql = {
      enable = true;
      package = pkgs.postgresql;

    dysnomia = {
      enable = true;

      # Here, we deploy databases to the corresponding DBMSes with Dysnomia
      components = {
        mysql-database = {
          testdb = pkgs.writeTextFile {
            name = "testdb";
            text = ''
              create table author
              ( AUTHOR_ID  INTEGER       NOT NULL,
                FirstName  VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
                LastName   VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY(AUTHOR_ID)

        postgresql-database = {
          testdb = pkgs.writeTextFile {
            name = "testdb";
            text = ''
              create table author
              ( AUTHOR_ID  INTEGER       NOT NULL,
                FirstName  VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
                LastName   VARCHAR(255)  NOT NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY(AUTHOR_ID)


The above code block shows an example NixOS configuration, in which we do the following:

  • We import the Dysnomia module from the source package to make its features available.
  • We enable the Dysnomia NixOS service
  • We enable some system services, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL. The Dysnomia NixOS module automatically generates Dysnomia container configuration files for them (and puts them in /etc/dysnomia/containers of the corresponding NixOS deployment)
  • We define the available mutable components. In this particular example, a MySQL database named testdb and PostgreSQL database named testdb which both have one table named: author are created.

After deploying the NixOS configuration with the following command-line instruction:

$ nixos-rebuild switch

We can deploy the mutable components as follows:

$ dysnomia-containers --deploy

And (for example) snapshot the state of the mutable components as follows:

$ dysnomia-containers --snapshot

To prevent the state of the mutable components to conflict with those deployed by Disnix, the Dysnomia module sets DYSNOMIA_STATEDIR to /var/state/dysnomia-nixos so that they are managed separately.

Implementing custom Dysnomia modules

Custom Dysnomia modules are relatively easy to implement. Every Dysnomia module is a process in which the first command-line parameter represents the activity to execute and the second parameter represents the path to a component containing a logical state snapshot. The container properties are made available through environment variables.

The following code fragment shows the source code of the echo module, that simply echoes what it is doing:

set -e
set -o pipefail

# Dysnomia module that simply echos the activity that is being executed.

case "$1" in
    # Executes all steps necessary to activate a service. It returns a zero
    # exit status in case of success.
        echo "Echo module: Activate service: $2"

    # Executes all steps necessary to deactivate a service. It returns a zero
    # exit status in case of success.
        echo "Echo module: Deactivate service: $2"

    # Notifies a service that an upgrade is performed. A service can use this to
    # take precautions or to reach quiescence. It can also reject the upgrade by
    # returning a non-zero exit status.
        echo "Echo module: Lock service: $2"

    # Notifies a service that an upgrade has finished. A service can use this
    # to resume its normal operations.
        echo "Echo module: Unlock service: $2"

    # Snapshots the corresponding state of the service in a preferably consistent
    # and portable manner in a special purpose folder with a naming strategy.
        echo "Echo module: Snapshot state of service: $2"

    # Restores the state of the service from the special purpose folder with a
    # naming strategy.
        echo "Echo module: Restore state of service: $2"

    # Collects the garbage of the service by permanently removing it
        echo "Echo module: Collect garbage of service: $2"

    # Script that gets executed when spawning a shell session. It is typically
    # used to provide usage instructions to the user.
        echo "This is the echo shell session"

# Print the environment variables

echo "Environment variables:"

Currently, Dysnomia supports the following types of operations:

  • activate is used to activate the component in a container.
  • deactivate is used to deactivate the component in a container.
  • lock is invoked by Disnix before the upgrade transition starts. This operation can be used to consult a deployed component to determine whether it is safe to upgrade and to take precautions before the upgrade starts (such as queing incoming connections).
  • unlock is invoked by Disnix after the upgrade transition is over. This can be used to notify the component to resume its normal operations.
  • snapshot is used to snapshot the logical state of a component in a container. This operation is optionally executed by Disnix to move data from one machine to another.
  • restore is used to restore the logical state of a component in a container. This operation is optionally executed by Disnix to move data from one machine to another.
  • collect-garbage is used to remove the state of a component in a container.

The above code examples are written in bash, but any lanugage can be used as long as the tool provides the same command-line interface and properly uses the environment variables from the container specification.

Convention for stateful mutable components

The implementation of each operation is completely the responsible of the implementer. However, for mutable components with persistent state, such as databases, we typically follow a convention for many of the operations:

set -e
set -o pipefail

# Autoconf settings
export prefix=@prefix@

# Import utility functions
source @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/util

# Sets a number of common utility environment variables
composeUtilityVariables $0 $2 $3

case "$1" in
        # Initalize the given schema if the database does not exists
        if ! exampleStateInitialized
        # Dump the state of the component in a temp dir
        tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
        cd $tmpdir
        exampleSnapshotState | xz > dump.xz

        # Compose a unique name for the snapshot
        hash=$(cat dump.xz | sha256sum)


        if [ -d $snapshotsPath/$hash ]
            # If the snapshot exists in the store already, discard it
            rm -Rf $tmpdir
            # Import the snapshot into the snapshot store
            mkdir -p $snapshotsPath/$hash
            mv dump.xz $snapshotsPath/$hash
            rmdir $tmpdir

        # Create a generation symlink for the snapshot
        createGenerationSymlink $hash

        if [ "$lastSnapshot" != "" ]
            exampleRestoreState $lastSnapshot
        if componentMarkedAsGarbage
        cat >&2 <<EOF
This is a shell session that can be used to control the '$componentName' database.

The above code fragment outlines an example module implementing deployment operations of a database:

  • activate: The activate operation checks whether the database exists in the DBMS. If the database does not exists, it gets created and an initial static dump (typically a schema) is imported. It also marks the database as active so that it will not be removed by the garbage collector.
  • deactivate: Marks the mutable component (database) as garbage so that it will be removed by the garbage collector.
  • snapshot: Snapshots the database and composes generation symlink determining the order of the snapshots. As an optimisation, the module also tries to store a snapshot only once. If it has been taken once before, the earlier result is reused. To make the optimisation work, a naming convention must be chosen. In the above example, the output hash of the snapshot is used.
  • restore: Determines the last generation snapshot and restores it. If no snapshot is in the store, it does nothing.
  • collect-garbage: Checks if the component is not deployed to a container and deletes it if this the case. Otherwise, it does nothing.

Dynomia includes a set of utility functions to make implementing these operations more convenient.

Container and component configuration properties

Each module takes its own container and component configuration properties. Both are exposed as environment variables. Consult the documentation inside the modules (stored in the dysnomia-modules/ sub folder of this package) for more information.


This package is released under the MIT license.