
A Node.js module that allows remote control of a Hydra instance: a Nix-based continuous integration service

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT


Remotely control Hydra: a Nix-based continuous integration server by invoking its REST API from a Node.js application.


There are two ways this package can installed.

To install this package through the Nix package manager, obtain a copy of Nixpkgs and run:

$ nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA nodePackages.node-hydra-connector

Alternatively, this package can also be installed through NPM by running:

$ npm install -g node-hydra-connector

API usage

Instantiate a HydraConnector object and then call any of the supported operations.

The following example code connects to a Hydra instance running on localhost, queries all projects and displays their names:

var HydraConnector = require('hydra-connector').HydraConnector;

var hydraConnector = new HydraConnector("http://localhost");

hydraConnector.queryProjects(function(err, projects) {
    if(err) {
        console.log("Some error occurred: "+err);
    } else {
        for(var i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
            var project = projects[i];
            console.log("Project: "+project.name);

Some operations, e.g. the write operations require user authentication. By invoking the login() method, we can authenticate ourselves:

hydraConnector.login("admin", "myverysecretpassword", function(err) {
    if(err) {
        console.log("Login succeeded!");
    } else {
        console.log("Some error occurred: "+err);

Likewise, we can also logout by invoking:

hydraConnector.logout(function(err) {
    if(err) {
        console.log("Logout succeeded!");
    } else {
        console.log("Some error occurred: "+err);

A private Hydra server may be hidden behind a reverse proxy that requires HTTP basic authentication. To authenticate, we can provide the HTTP basic credentials to the HydraConnector constructor:

var HydraConnector = require('hydra-connector').HydraConnector;

var hydraConnector = new HydraConnector("http://localhost", "sander", "12345"); // HTTP basic credentials

Command-line utility usage

This package also includes a command-line utility using the API to communicate with a Hydra instance from the command-line.

$ hydra-connect --help

When using the tool, you typically want to start with an overview of projects:

$ hydra-connect --url http://localhost --projects

For each request, the tool will provide command suggestions that can be used to obtain more detailed information, such as querying the properties of an individual project:

$ hydra-connect --url http://localhost --project MyProject

All requests that display information can also provide the underlying JSON representation that comes from Hydra's REST API:

$ hydra-connect --url http://localhost --project MyProject --json

API documentation

This package includes API documentation, which can be generated with JSDoc.
