
Simple embeddable picture gallery

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This package contains a simple embeddable gallery that can be integrated into a web application. It supports the following features:

  • Displaying a collection of albums, collections of pictures
  • A gallery's content can be managed by users
  • Storing GIF, JPEG and PNG images
  • Automatic scaling of images
  • Embedded HTML editor for managing descriptions
  • Bulk importer
  • Translatable into a language of choice
  • Integratable into the php-sbeditor, php-sblayout and php-sbdata frameworks


The gallery is built on top of the functionality provided by the following packages:


This package can be embedded in any PHP project by using PHP composer. Add the following items to your project's composer.json file:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": "https://github.com/svanderburg/php-sbgallery.git"

  "require": {
    "svanderburg/php-sbgallery": "@dev",

and run:

$ composer install

Installing development dependencies

When it is desired to modify the code or run the examples inside this repository, the development dependencies must be installed by opening the base directory and running:

$ composer install


There are two ways to use the functionality exposed by this package. It can be controlled directly by using the low-level API requiring the user to manually compose object instances representing parts of the gallery, displaying the corresponding views and implement controllers to modify the gallery's state.

Alternatively, this package provides a high level API exposing Page instances that can be integrated with the php-sbcrud framework. When using the CRUD API you only need to compose a configuration once. The corresponding pages that provide all functionality are generated automatically.

In addition to embedding a gallery components into pages or pages into an application, a gallery can also be integrated into a HTML editor managed by the php-sbeditor framework and optionally into forms managed by php-sbdata. With this functionality users can automatically insert pictures from the gallery into HTML code generated by the editor.

Low-level use cases

The low-level API provides direct control over the gallery's state.

Managing a gallery

We can create a gallery, that displays an overview of available albums with a thumbnail, as follows:

use SBGallery\Model\Gallery;
use SBGallery\Model\Settings\GallerySettings;
use SBGallery\Model\Settings\URLGenerator\SimpleGalleryURLGenerator;

$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=gallery", "user", "password", array(

GallerySettings $settings = new GallerySettings(new SimpleGalleryURLGenerator(), // An object that defines how URLs to the sub pages should be generated
    "gallery", // The directory in which the gallery's images reside
    160, 160, // The maximum dimensions of a thumbnail
    1280, 1280, // The maximum dimensions of a picture
    0666 // The permissions of picture files in the gallery directory
    0777 // The permissions of directories in the gallery directory

Gallery $gallery = new Gallery($dbh, $settings);

The above code snippet sets up a database connection and configures a gallery with the following settings:

  • It uses a URLGenerator object to generate URLs that link to albums, pictures and their corresponding operation pages. The SimpleGalleryURLGenerator implements a URL convention in which the gallery is managed by the gallery.php page, albums with the album.php page and pictures by the picture.php page. The pages use GET parameters to determine which album and picture have been requested.
  • It uses the gallery/ folder as the base directory of all images
  • The maximum dimensions of a thumbnail are 160x160 pixels
  • The maximum dimensions of a picture are 1280x1280 pixels
  • The file permissions of the picture files are read, write support for the owner, group and others
  • The directory permissions of a picture directory are read, write, execute support for the owner, group and others

There are more configuration properties supported beyond the ones shown in the example. Consult the API documentation for more information.

We can render the gallery in read mode with the following function call:


Rendering the gallery in write mode, in which the user can modify its contents, can be done with the following funcion call:


Managing albums

The low level API implements a variety of album operations.

Querying an album

We can query an album from the gallery as follows:

$album = $gallery->queryAlbum("myalbum");

The above method invocation queries the album with the identifier: myalbum. If the album does not exists, the method returns an AlbumNotFoundException.

Creating a new album

We can create a new album as follows:

$album = $gallery->newAlbum();

The above method call creates a new album that inherits the configuration settings from the gallery.

Checking an album for validity

We can import album settings from the request variables and check its validity as follows:

$valid = $album->checkValid(); // Returns true if the album properties are valid, otherwise false

Inserting an album

We can insert an album into the database with the following method call:


Updating an album

An existing album can be updated with the following method call:

$gallery->updateAlbum("myalbum", $updatedAlbum);

The above method call updates the album with identifier: myalbum with the properties of the $updatedAlbum.

Removing an album

An album can be removed with the following method call:


Uploading multiple pictures into an album

We can also upload multiple images into an album (albums will automatically adopt the image filename as a title and identifier) and scale it down according to the gallery's specifications with the following method invocaion:


The parameter specifies the name of the form field that facilitates the multiple file upload.

Moving an album left or right in the gallery

The following methods can be used to move an album left or right in the gallery:

$result = $myGallery->moveLeftAlbum("myalbum");
$result = $myGallery->moveRightAlbum("myalbum");

The method call returns true if the album was moved, and false if it did not. When an album has reached the beginning or end in the gallery these methods return false.

Displaying an album in read mode

An album can be rendered in read mode with the following function call:


Displaying an album in write mode

We can also render an album in write mode, in which the user can change the properties of the album, and adjust the pictures inside it:


Displaying a pictures uploader

As shown earlier, the album editor can also upload multiple pictures at the same time. To render the form that provides the input fields, we can do the following function call:

$picturesUploader = $album->constructPicturesUploader();

Managing pictures

The low-level API makes it also possible to directly manage pictures.

Querying a picture

We can query a picture from an album as follows:

$picture = $album->queryPicture("mypicture");

The above method invocation queries the album with the identifier: mypicture. If the album does not exists, the method returns an PictureNotFoundException.

Creating a new picture

We can create a new picture as follows:

$picture = $album->newPicture();

The above method call creates a new picture that inherits the configuration settings from the album.

Checking a picture for validity

We can import picture settings from the request variables and check its validity as follows:

$valid = $picture->checkValid(); // Returns true if the picture is valid, otherwise false

Inserting a picture

We can insert a picture into the database with the following function call:


In addition to inserting the picture into the database, it will also automatically upload a user provided image and scales it according to the gallery's specifications.

Updating a picture

An existing picture can be updated with the following method call:

$album->updatePicture("mypicture", $updatedPicture);

The above method call updates the picture with identifier: mypicture with the properties of the $updatedPicture.

In addition, it will also automatically upload a user provided image and scales it according to the gallery's specifications.

Removing a picture

A picture can be removed with the following method call:


Moving a picture left or right in an album

The following methods can be used to move a picture left or right in the abum:


The method call returns true if the picture was moved, and false if it did not. When a picture has reached the beginning or end in the albums these methods return false.

Setting a picture as thumbnail for an album

To set a picture as a thumbnail for an album, we can use the following method call:


Clearing an image in a picture

It is possible to add a picture to an album without an image. To clear an existing image in a picture we can use the following method call:


Displaying a picture in read mode

A picture, including navigation controls, can be rendered in read mode with the following function call:


Displaying a picture in write mode

We can also render a picture in write mode, in which the user can change the properties of the picture:


High-level API usage

The high-level API is an API that is built on top of the php-sblayout and php-sbcrud frameworks. The idea is that you can easily embed a fully functional gallery into an existing application (including authentication checks) by composing GalleryPage object and adding it to the Application's page structure.

First, we must construct our own permission checker that determines whether a user has write permissions:

use SBGallery\Model\GalleryPermissionChecker;

class MyGalleryPermissionChecker implements GalleryPermissionChecker
    public function checkWritePermissions(): bool
        return ($_COOKIE["Password"] === "secret");

In the above checker, you must implement your own password policy, such as integrating with a database or external authentication system.

Then we must construct a GalleryPage instance that we can add to an application's page structure. A GalleryPage accepts many kinds of configuration parameters including a permission checker.

A convenient way to compose an instance and keep the code clean, is to create a sub class from GalleryPage:

use PDO;
use SBGallery\Model\Gallery;
use SBGallery\Model\GalleryPermissionChecker;
use SBGallery\Model\Page\GalleryPage;

class MyGalleryPage extends GalleryPage
    public function __construct(PDO $dbh)
        parent::__construct($dbh, new GalleryPageSettings("gallery"), new MyGalleryPermissionChecker());

The above sub class: MyGalleryPage defines a new constructor that composes a GalleryPage with desired configuration settings, such as:

  • The database connection handler: $dbh
  • Various gallery page settings. The base directory of the gallery images is: gallery/
  • The gallery permission checker that we have defined earlier.

There are many kinds of gallery settings that can be configured, such as the icons and labels. Consult the API documentation for the GalleryPage and GalleryPageSettings classes for more information.

We can add a page instance of our sub class to the application layout as follows:

use SBLayout\Model\Application;
use SBLayout\Model\Page\HiddenStaticContentPage;
use SBLayout\Model\Page\PageAlias;
use SBLayout\Model\Page\StaticContentPage;
use SBLayout\Model\Page\Content\Contents;
use SBLayout\Model\Section\ContentsSection;
use SBLayout\Model\Section\MenuSection;
use SBLayout\Model\Section\StaticSection;

$application = new Application(
    /* Title */

    /* CSS stylesheets */

    /* Sections */
        "header" => new StaticSection("header.php"),
        "menu" => new MenuSection(0),
        "contents" => new ContentsSection(true)

    /* Pages */
    new StaticContentPage("Home", new Contents("home.php"), array(
        "400" => new HiddenStaticContentPage("Bad request", new Contents("error/400.php")),
        "404" => new HiddenStaticContentPage("Page not found", new Contents("error/404.php")),

        "home" => new PageAlias("Home", ""),
        "gallery" => new MyGalleryPage()

Adding the page object to the application layout allows us to:

  • Access the gallery through: http://localhost/gallery
  • Access each album through: http://localhost/gallery/<albumId>
  • Access each picture through: http://localhost/gallery/<albumId>/<pictureId>

Because the high-level API is also using the php-sbcrud framework, we can access CRUD operations (other than reading) by appending a __operation request paramer, such as:


By invoking the above URL (and having met the appropriate authentication criteria) the picture will be moved left in the album.

Exposing a gallery as a set of sub pages in an application layout

In addition to using the high level API to embed the gallery as a sub application into an application layout, we can also expose albums as browseable sub pages from a menu.

By using albums as pages, we can use the gallery as a simple content manager allowing a user to dynamic construct sub pages of a web applications including the contents of the pages.

Instead of creating an instance of the GalleryPage class, we must instantiate the TraversableGalleryPage class.

As with the previous example, for convenience, we can construct such a page with its configuration settings by creating a sub class:

use PDO;
use SBGallery\Model\Gallery;
use SBGallery\Model\GalleryPermissionChecker;
use SBGallery\Model\Page\TraversableGalleryPage;

class MyGalleryPage extends TraversableGalleryPage
    public function __construct(PDO $dbh)
        parent::__construct($dbh, new GalleryPageSettings("gallery"), new MyGalleryPermissionChecker());

Composing the application layout is done in exactly the same way as the previous example.

Embedding a gallery into a HTML editor

A gallery can also be embedded into a HTML editor implemented by the php-sbeditor framework allowing users to insert pictures from the gallery into the text that he composes in the editor.

By invoking the displayHTMLEditorWithGallery() function:

\SBGallery\View\HTML\displayHTMLEditorWithGallery("editor1", "contents", "picturepicker.php", "iframepage.html", "image");

we can directly generate a div providing a textarea and two iframes showing the gallery and editor.

The corresponding div has an id: editor1, the textarea field has the name: contents, the gallery iframe embeds the picturepicker.php page and the editor iframe embeds the iframepage.html page. The editor's icons are stored in the image/ sub folder.

The generated div should be embedded inside a form element.

We also have to create the picturepicker.php page showing the embedded album that integrates with a gallery object:

$myGallery = new MyGallery();

As can be seen in the above example, the picturepicker.php page can be generated in a straight forward manner -- simply composing a gallery object and invoking displayPicturePickerPage() suffices.

Embedding a HTML editor with embedded gallery into a form

This framework also provides a HTMLEditorWithGalleryField class that can be used to construct fields that can be added to a Form managed by the php-sbdata framework:

use SBData\Model\Form;
use SBData\Model\Field\TextField;
use SBGallery\Model\Field\HTMLEditorWithGalleryField;

$form = new Form(array(
    "title" => new TextField("Title", true),
    "contents" => new HTMLEditorWithGalleryField("editor1", "Contents", "picturepicker.php", "iframepage.html", "image", true)

When displaying the above form as an editable form:


Then the corresponding field will be displayed as an HTML editor with embedded gallery (or a text area if JavaScript functionality is absent). The parameters to the HTML editor field constructor are similar to those of the view function shown in the previous section.


This package contains two examples in the example/ sub folder:

  • The lowlevel folder contains an example using the low-level API. It provides a gallery, album, picture and multiple pictures upload page.
  • The crud folder contains an example using the high-level API. It provides a gallery with a useless authentication check (the view=1 GET parameter). The crud-translated folder extends the previous example with a translated version the gallery to Dutch.
  • The crud-paged folder extends the crud/ example with pagination support in which a fixed number of album and picture thumbnails are displayed per page
  • The pages folder contains an example of exposing albums as sub pages in the application layout so that parts of the web application content can be managed by end-users.
  • The simpleeditor folder contains a very basic example showing an HTML editor with embedded gallery.
  • The formeditor folder contains an example of an editor with gallery integrated into the php-sbdata framework, so that input can be automatically validated and presented.
  • The formeditor-translated folder extends the previous example with a translation to Dutch
  • The formeditor-paged example extends the formeditor example with pagination support

API documentation

This package includes API documentation that can be generated with Doxygen:

$ doxygen


The contents of this package is available under the Apache Software License version 2.0


The icons used in this project are borrowed from the Tango icon library. The icons are in the public domain.